Christiane Minazzoli

Christiane Minazzoli

Nacimiento : 1931-07-11, Saint-Ouen, France

Muerte : 2014-11-02


Christiane Judith Yvette Minazzoli was a French actress. She appeared in more than seventy films from 1949 to 1997.


Christiane Minazzoli


Sans cérémonie
Two divorcing spouses go to their son's wedding accompanied by their respective lovers.
El infierno (L'Enfer)
Mme Vernon
Nelly y Paul son una pareja feliz. Mientras él dirige el bonito hotel que acaba de comprar en el campo, a orillas de un lago, ella cuida del hijo de ambos. Pero, como Nelly es muy guapa y atrae a todos los clientes del hotel, Paul, dominado por unos celos incontrolados y obsesivos, llega a creer que su mujer se acuesta con todo el mundo.
Madame Etamble
París. Betty (Marie Trintignant) se refugia en la bebida tras ser abandonada por su marido. Después de una tarde de borrachera acude a un restaurante para refugiarse de la lluvia, y allí conoce a una burguesa llamada Laure (Stéphane Audran). Betty, debido a su embriaguez pierde el conocimiento, y su nueva amiga la lleva a su hotel donde las dos hablan de sus desafortunadas vidas.
Madame Bovary
La veuve Lefançois
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Gustave Flaubert. Emma Bovary es la insatisfecha mujer de un médico rural que ansía pertenecer a la alta sociedad francesa. Sus ambiciones y un apasionado affaire con un joven aristócrata la conducirán a una situación de trágicas consecuencias. La musa de Chabrol, Isabelle Huppert, encarna a la fatal heroína.
Three Seats for the 26th
Mme Simonot
In a charming mixture of fantasy and reality, this film recalls the great musicals of Hollywood's Golden Age. Yves Montand, playing himself, returns to his hometown of Marseilles to appear in an autobiographical musical. Once there, he searches for the barmaid he once loved and also encounters young hopeful Marion, giving her the chance of a lifetime
Ça n'arrive qu'à moi
Mme Guilledou
A particularly unlucky man meets a beautiful young woman, daughter of a rich businessman. This one, pursued by blackmailers, is going to take him along in her galleys.
Emmenez-moi au théâtre: Le canard à l'orange
Liz Preston
Historia de O
La bella fotógrafa "O" es llevada por su amante René al castillo de Roissy para prepararla como esclava sexual. Tras estar varias semanas y abandonar luego el castillo, O conoce por mediación de René a su hermanastro Sir Stephen, con quien comenzará una relación de dominación - sumisión ante el requerimiento de René. Con Sir Stephen continuará su proceso de aprendizaje en la sumisión, se iniciará en las relaciones lésbicas para obtener el sometimiento de otra mujer con quien compensará a René.
A Free Man
The sales hostess
Henri's wife has divorced him. While Henri is not excessively upset about the divorce, he is sad, hates to be alone, and dislikes the sorts of wrenching changes that are being forced on him. Indeed, his ex-wife cannot get him to leave their shared quarters by the court deadline without having a terrific row with him. When he finally leaves, he leans a great deal on his 10-year-old daughter for company, comfort and support. She gets used to that and has to make adjustments when Henri gets a new woman in his life.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A television adaptation of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
L'amour des 4 colonels
La Belle
L'Auvergnat et l'Autobus
Lizbeth Véber
Faites donc plaisir aux amis
La mujer perdida
Elena, marquesa de Silva
Sara, la hija de un pescador, deja su pueblo y se va a Madrid, donde se gana la vida como cantante en un tablao. Allí conoce a Rafael, un diputado que decide ayudarla porque ve en ella un gran futuro en el mundo de la música. Le paga clases privadas de canto, la enseña a vestir con elegancia y la convierte en una gran señora con muchas posibilidades de alcanzar el éxito.
Les malabars sont au parfum
Valérie - l'agent E.22
Operation Diplomatic Passport
Eva Dolbry
Lucky Jo
Lucky Jo and his three friends are little criminals, who try to live from small burglaries. But they never have luck - ever so often something inpredictable happens to Jo and gets one of them arrested. While Jo is in prison once again, they decide they'd better do without him in future. He decides to help them secretly...and unfortunately.
The Adventures of Salavin
Finding himself unemployed overnight, Louis Salavin lets himself go into an incurable laziness despite the support of his friends and his mother...
The Gallant Musketeer
Duchess of Montmorency
Set against the troubled period of the Wars of Religion in France, at a time when the three Henries (Henri III, Henri de Guise and Henri de Béarn) vied for the the throne, these new adventures of Pardaillan have the gallant musketeer defend the rightful king Henri III.Jean gives his full to thwart the Duke of Guise's attempts to have the king assassinated. A heartthrob more than ever, Pardaillan will awake serious interest in many a girl, at times becoming their prey like with Bianca Farnese, De Guise's agent.
FBI frente a Scotland Yard
El agente del FBI Lenny Caution debe viajar a Europa para atrapar a una banda de criminales que ha secuestrado a un científico americano.
Ladies First
An FBI agent works to arrest David Griffin, a murderous drug trafficker, and protect Juliette, the beautiful widow of Griffin's late partner.
Des quintuplés au pensionnat
In a girls boarding-school run by Madame Piégeois,young Gisèle meets, at night, the count of Champrès 's son.
My Priest Among the Rich
Discharged, catholic priest Pellegrin is back to his cure of Sableuse .But the castle has been sold to Nouveaux Riches,the Cousinet ,whereas the former owners ,Monsieur De Sableuse and his son,have settled in the outhouse.
París, bajos fondos
Madeleine (uncredited)
París, 1900. Marie, una bella prostituta, es la amante de uno de los hombres de la banda de Felix; pero, sorprendentemente, acabará encontrando el verdadero amor en un sencillo carpintero. Su amante, celoso, lo provoca, y ambos se enzarzan en una terrible pelea.
La danseuse au ballon (uncredited)
In this sketch comedy compared to the American film Hellzapoppin, a spectacle is put on to celebrate the wedding of a nobleman, but the results are disastrous.