Charles Edwards

Charles Edwards

Nacimiento : 1969-10-01, Haslemere, Surrey, England, UK


Charles Edwards
Charles Edwards


The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Global Fan Screening
An edited version of the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, shown exclusively to fans in cinemas around the world in August 2022. In a time of relative peace, an ensemble cast of characters confronts the re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth.
Young Vic: Best of Enemies
Gore Vidal
1968 – a year of protest that divided America. As two men fight to become the next President, all eyes are on the battle between two others: the cunningly conservative William F Buckley Jr., and the iconoclastic liberal Gore Vidal. Beliefs are challenged and slurs slung as these political idols feud nightly in a new television format, debating the moral landscape of a shattered nation.
Las brujas (de Roald Dahl)
Mr Jenkins
Un pequeño huérfano a finales de 1967, se va a vivir con su querida abuela a Demopolis, un pueblo de Alabama. El niño y su abuela tienen extraños encuentros con algunas brujas por lo que deciden mudarse a un hotel de lujo en la costa. Por desgracia, llegan exactamente al mismo tiempo que la Gran Bruja que ha reunido a sus compinches de todo el planeta -que van de incógnito- para llevar a cabo sus horribles planes.
Richard II - Live at Shakespeare's Globe
Richard II
Ruling by divine right, but himself ruled by caprice, King Richard exiles Henry Bolingbroke and seizes his father’s vast estates. While Richard is distracted by a rebellion in Ireland, Bolingbroke returns to England, intent on recovering his rightful property and, with the support of his disgruntled peers, perhaps seizing the crown itself.
Philomena es la verdadera historia de la búsqueda de una madre por su hijo perdido. Quedando embarazada cuando era un adolescente en Irlanda en 1952, Philomena Lee fue enviada al convento de Roscrea para ser atendidas como una "mujer en desgracia". Cuando su hijo era sólo un bebé, las monjas se lo llevaron para darlo en adopción en Estados Unidos. Philomena pasó los próximos cincuenta años buscándolo en vano. Entonces conoció a Martin Sixsmith, un periodista cansado del mundo, tan cínico que Philomena confiaba en él. Juntos partieron hacia América en un viaje que no sólo revelaría la extraordinaria historia del hijo de Philomena, sino que también crearía un vínculo muy cercano e inesperado entre Philomena y Martin.
Patrick Jephson
Gira en torno a un romance secreto entre la princesa Lady Di y el doctor Hasnat Khan, de quien se dice que fue el amor de su vida; al parecer, Diana conoció a Hasnat en 1995 e iniciaron una relación de unos dos años, tan seria que la mujer incluso pensó en convertirse al Islam.
National Theatre Live: This House
Jack Weatherill
It's February 1974. Ted Heath's Conservative government has been ousted. But only just. In the hung Parliament, Labour manages to form a minority government by sending its whips out wheeling and dealing with the Liberals, Scottish Nationalists and Northern Irish politicians. But this fragile alliance lasts only until October, when another election is called. This time, Labour win with a tiny majority of just three. Now things get tougher as old cross-Party agreements break down and even sick and dying MPs are wheeled into the chamber to cast their votes! James Graham's acclaimed new play whisks us back to the days of the UK's previous hung Parliament, when politics got really dirty in the battle for power.
Much Ado About Nothing - Live at Shakespeare's Globe
Much Ado About Nothing is a comedic play by William Shakespeare thought to have been written in 1598 and 1599, as Shakespeare was approaching the middle of his career. The play was included in the First Folio, published in 1623. Much Ado About Nothing is generally considered one of Shakespeare’s best comedies, because it combines elements of robust hilarity with more serious meditations on honor, shame, and court politics. Like As You Like It and Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, though interspersed with darker concerns, is a joyful comedy that ends with multiple marriages and no deaths. Also known as "Globe on Screen: Much Ado About Nothing".
Holy Flying Circus
Michael Palin
A fantastical re-imagining of the events of 1979, when Monty Python made Life of Brian and the debate about what is an acceptable subject for comedy was blown wide open.
The Shell Seekers
Noel Keeling
Penelope Keeling, a sixty-four-year-old daughter of a famous artist, reflects on her life, and the fate and choices that defined it, when she arrives in the Mediterranean to stay with her headstrong daughter. Shifting through time, and falling into place like the pieces of a jigsaw, the truth of Penelope's rich, heartbreaking and surprising life unfolds.
The All Together
Marcus Craigie-Halkett
Dos gángsters irrumpen en la casa de un artista londinense (Velibor Topic) mientras su compañero de casa (Martin Freeman) está ausente.
Batman Begins
Wayne Enterprises Executive
¿Cómo cambia un hombre el mundo? Es una pregunta que obsesiona a Bruce Wayne al igual que el fantasma de sus padres, muertos a tiros ante sus ojos en las calles de Gotham una noche que cambió su vida para siempre. Atormentado por la culpa y la ira, el desilusionado heredero industrial desaparece de Gotham y viaja en secreto por el mundo, buscando los medios de luchar contra la injusticia y utilizar el miedo contra los que se aprovechan de los que tienen miedo. Con la ayuda de su leal mayordomo Alfred, el detective Jim Gordon - uno de los pocos buenos policías de las fuerzas del orden público de Gotham - y Lucius Fox, su aliado en la división de Ciencias Aplicadas de Wayne Enterprises, Bruce Wayne libera a su imponente alter ego: Batman, un justiciero enmascarado que utiliza la fuerza, la inteligencia y un despliegue de artefactos de alta tecnología para combatir las fuerzas siniestras que amenazan con destruir la ciudad.
Bertie and Elizabeth
The duke of York, nicknamed Bertie, was born as royal 'spare heir', younger brother to the prince of Wales, and thus expected to spend a relatively private life with his Scottish wife Elisabeth Bowes-Lyon and their daughters, in the shadow of their reigning father, George V, and next that of his elder brother who succeeded to the British throne as Edward VIII. However Edward decides to put his love for a divorced American, Wallis Simpson, above dynastic duty, and ends up abdicating the throne, which now falls to Bertie, who reigns as George VI.
Gente con clase
Phillip Bateman-Tobias
En la Riviera francesa, el aristócrata Nigel acaba de anunciar su matrimonio con Miranda Frayle, una vulgar actriz de cine norteamericana, para desdicha de su madre la condesa Felicity y el antiguo prometido de Miranda, Don Lucas. Moxie, la asistente de Felicity, acaba revelando un terrible secreto: Miranda es su hermana menor, que escapó de casa para llevar una vida más bien amoral.
Lt. Seward
Parallel stories: 18th century Harrison builds the marine chronometer for safe navigation at sea; 20th century Gould is obsessed with restoring it.
Mansfield Park
A los diez años, Fanny se va a vivir a Mansfield Park con sus tíos ricos aunque nunca es tratada como una más de la familia. La historia narra el retrato de una heroína de fuerte carácter que se enfrenta a las estrictas normas de su época para no comprometer sus ideales o sus propios sentimientos. Adaptación de una novela de Jane Austen.
Un marido ideal
Lord Arthur Goring (Rupert Everett), un mujeriego empedernido que acude a todas las fiestas, se ha hecho célebre en Londres por su elegancia, su habilidad como conversador y su incapacidad para tomarse nada en serio. Sin embargo, cuando su amigo de toda la vida, Sir Robert Chiltern (Jeremy Northam), recurre a él para solucionar un asunto extremadamente delicado, demuestra estar a la altura de las circunstancias.
Arthur & George
In 1906, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, having lost his first wife, was overcome with grief; even Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson refused his call. It was only when his secretary, Woodie, presented him with an apparent real-life miscarriage of justice, that he could be roused to action. The case in question was that of George Edalji, a Parsee solicitor, who was imprisoned for writing obscene letters and killing livestock in Great Wyrley, Staffordshire. George needed Arthur's help to clear his name. However, as the twists and turns of the case unfold, Arthur himself questions George's innocence. It is only by finding the true culprit, that Arthur can finally put the case, and his grief, to rest; whilst simultaneously becoming influential in a major reform to the English judicial system.