Goliarda Sapienza


Open Letter to the Evening News
Hoping to shake up the complacent Italian Communist Party, a group of leftist radicals sends an incendiary letter to a major evening newspaper declaring their intention to volunteer to fight American troops in Vietnam as a political statement against the war.
The Doll that Took the Town
A struggling model concocts a story of being raped and beaten by three strangers and soon becomes a media darling. Complications arise when the police eventually arrest three suspects.
Los extraviados
Lucia's Aunt
Ambientada en la II Guerra Mundial, drama sobre la resistencia italiana, con muchos de sus personajes característicos. El protagonista es un burgués despreocupado que se enamora de una partisana italiana. La mayor parte del film trata sobre el choque cultural entre la clase alta fascista y la resistencia.
Año 1866. Livia, una bella dama de una aristocrática familia italiana, vive un intenso romance con el teniente Franz Mahler, un oficial del ejército austriaco, en plena guerra de independencia italiana frente a Austria.
Times Gone By
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
Behind Closed Shutters
La prostituta religiosa
Sandra busca a su hermana desaparecida, de la que se acaba de enterar que ejercía la prostitución.