Pierre Asso

Nacimiento : 1904-03-04, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France

Muerte : 1974-12-10


Creezy, mujer objeto
Member of the PRU
Julien Dandieu, un hombre que se ha hecho a sí mismo, empezó trabajando como minero y fue ascendiendo socialmente hasta llegar a ser un carismático político de izquierdas. Sin embargo, cuando alcanza la cima del éxito, tiene que enfrentarse a un diifícil dilema: escoger entre su amor por la joven modelo Creezy y sus ambiciones profesionales; esto último implicaría su unión con una mujer muy bien relacionada con las más altas instancias del poder.
Dos hombres en la ciudad
Prison director (uncredited)
Gracias a la ayuda de un educador, Gino consigue reintegrarse en la sociedad después de salir de la cárcel. Pero, a pesar de su buena voluntad y sus esfuerzos para hacer una vida normal, un inspector de policía no cree en su inocencia y le recuerda constantemente sus delitos anteriores. La continua presión del inspector y sus sospechas acaban arrastrándolo a cometer un homicidio.
The Boat on the Grass
Despite their social differences, poor David and the rich Olivier are the best friends. David took the young Eleanor in Olivier's Paris apartment. When Olivier meets her there, he takes her to the country, where the three build a boat on the meadow. Eleanore divided the friends.
La visite de la vieille dame
Boby, le valet de chambre
Adaptation for TV of the play by Friedrich Durrenmatt. A very rich old lady arrives in her nearly bankrupt native village. She is ready to come to the rescue but only if her old lover who had once abandoned her pregnant is killed.
Lucky Jo
Lucky Jo and his three friends are little criminals, who try to live from small burglaries. But they never have luck - ever so often something inpredictable happens to Jo and gets one of them arrested. While Jo is in prison once again, they decide they'd better do without him in future. He decides to help them secretly...and unfortunately.
All of Pialat's Turkish films are uniquely interested in the country — especially Istanbul — as it was, not just as it is at the precise moment that Pialat is filming it. History informs these films in a big way, with the voiceover narration (which incorporates excerpts from various authors) introducing tension between the images of the modern-day city and the descriptions of incidents from its long and rich history. Istanbul is probably the most conventional documentary of Pialat's Turkish series, providing a general profile of the titular city, its different neighborhoods, and the different cultures and ways of living that coexist within its sprawling borders. As the other films in the series also suggest, Pialat sees Turkey, and Istanbul in particular, as a junction point between Europe and the East, between the old and the new, between history and modernity.
Short doc by Maurice Pialat. The first film in the series set at Turkey, Bosphore, is also the only one that was shot in color.
Combate en la isla
Clement, un hombre que mantiene una doble vida como miembro de una organización terrorista de ultraderecha, está decidido a extender el caos entre las naciones occidentales a fin de obtener, finalmente, el control político y expandir sus actividades.
On Trial
Hijo del gran fiscal Andergast, Etzel quiere revisar el caso Maurizius, cuya condenación se basó en suposiciones. Ese caso permitió a su padre, 18 años antes, comenzar una gran carrera, pero Etzel quiere tener la conciencia limpia.
The Strollers
Le vieux du village
Jean-Louis forgets to use the pedestrian crossing;Who could have believed then where it would lead the unfortunate guy to?
Thirst of Men
The establishment of a French family who came to cultivate vines in Algeria.
The Big Meeting
Father Saint-Michel
One of the first victories against the Nazis in World War II is when Parisians help allied forces drive the enemy out of occupied French Algeria.
Le moine Pablo
Brussels in the year 1568, as the Flemish people are fighting against the tyranny of the Spanish occupiers. Led by Count de Rysoor, the revolt against the ruthless Duke of Alba, is meant to help Prince William of Orange to get into the city and come to power. Now, the count's lieutenant, has an affair with Elisabeth, Rysoor's wife. For the time being, the count, who thinks of his homeland first, turns a blind eye. But such a relationship might well undermine the whole rebellion movement.
Box of Dreams
The fool (uncredited)
Nicole tries to seduce a young man who lead a bohemian life in an untidy flat with his three pals.
Little Nothings
Following a broadcast on the radio, each of the listeners remembers these "little nothings" (the title is borrowed from a play by Mozart), which have often changed their lives. Each of these stories told will prove that a tiny detail in life can change an entire destiny.
La Neige sur les pas
Abandoned by her husband Marc, Thérèse Romanay cheats on him with André Norans. When Romanay finds out, he drives her away. She runs away with her lover. But, during a mountain excursion, Norans is killed and Thérèse is herself seriously injured. But she recovers. The husband then forgives the unfaithful wife, and the couple reunites.
The Story of a Cheat
le tricheur (jeune homme)
Comedia sobre las memorias de un hombre al que el destino obliga a ser un caradura. Su manera de ganarse la vida, las mujeres que se cruzan en su camino, siempre para torcérselo... (FILMAFFINITY)