Audrey Ann Tremblay


A web series of fiction in six episodes of ten minutes each featuring Nichole. Originally from the Saguenay region, now established in Montreal, the self-proclaimed “rising star” is looking for fame and recognition in an attempt to break into the international music scene. Through a documentary project, over the course of one week, a small TV crew gets a glimpse into the singer’s daily life filled with devotion, hard work, courage and ingenuity. As a result, Nichole brings us to meet the valiant people who surround and support the artist’s dream : becoming an icon.
A Shore Away
Shelter staff
Newly employed in an emergency shelter for people experiencing homelessness, Geneviève is shaken to meet a young woman there whom she believed to have succeeded in reintegrating when she was her social worker.
Basada en la controvertida vida de la escritora de Quebec Nelly Arcan, que escandalizó al mundillo literario canadiense francófono al relatar sus experiencias como prostituta de lujo