Ricardo Freitas

Ricardo Freitas

Nacimiento : 1983-06-01, Portugal


Ricardo Freitas is an Actor who has appeared in such Feature films as Exodus (2018) The Great Charade (2019) as well as having appeared on Tv Shows including Electric Dreams (2017) and Episodes (2017) He previously had a background in Professional wrestling and was also an illustrator and Graphic Designer before becoming an Actor


Ricardo Freitas
Ricardo Freitas


Marlowe Spriggs
H.P. Lovecraft goes Arctic! On a rescue mission to the North Pole to retrieve an old friend and his lost expedition crew, Captain Mortimer gets more than he bargained for when his ship is frozen into the ice sheet and set upon by bloodthirsty fish-creatures. Mortimer and his surviving crew flee the ship, beginning a treacherous journey to find safety in an ice-bound desolate wilderness. Suffering from starvation, frostbite and a slow madness, they find shelter inside a snowy mountain, but are they as safe as they think, or have they entered the heart of the creatures’ lair?
Demonic Plastic Surgeon, M D
At an elderly peoples home, a demonic plastic surgeon has been summoned. And soon, they will all be due a make over.
Jurassic Island
Ava uncovers the whereabouts of her missing father to an unchartered Island; a mythical lost world uncovered before them by her grandfather. Joined by a group of adventurers and scientists, they arrive at Jurassic Island where it becomes clear that the previous team had run into disaster. Dinosaurs and toxic leeches mean it’s no longer a search for her father, but a battle for survival.
Werewolf Castle
Cuando una manada de hombres lobo ataca una aldea medieval, Thorfinn, cuyo amante murió en el ataque, se une a los caballeros Thomas, Osmund, Hamelin y Hal Skullsplitter para liderar la lucha contra los viciosos licántropos.
Tooth Fairy: The Last Extraction
Corey y su hija, Sally, deciden irse de vacaciones de verano con sus amigos Diane, Christy, Toby y Benny. No saben que el pasado de Corey lo alcanzará.
The Mutation
Se ha soltado una rata mutada en una ciudad.
Doctor Carver
A group of ladies seeking the perfect faces soon realise when they conjure a demonic plastic surgeon, that no surgery comes without a price.
Medusa: Queen of the Serpents
Después de ser mordida por una serpiente, la vida de una joven comienza a dar un giro hacia lo peor cuando un virus mortal ataca su cuerpo.
Corporal Fox
Something has been discovered, and this time, a city is under attack by a fast growing T-Rex.
Bats: The Awakening
Rick King
Desde tiempos inmemoriales, civilizaciones antiguas se han visto devastadas por un misterioso virus extraterrestre. De la noche a la mañana, después de una extraña y violenta tormenta eléctrica, este misterioso virus se propaga por la Tierra afectando e infectando a los murciélagos, los cuales se convierten en grotescas criaturas gigantes con un apetito voraz por los seres humanos.
Freddy 'Fish' Bones
Un luchador de MMA caído debe ganar un torneo de muerte sin límites en el inframundo contra el hombre, la bestia y el demonio para salvar su alma.
Bad Nun: Deadly Vows
Catherine y su familia se mudaron recientemente a una iglesia convertida. Al mudarse, han sido acosados por un acosador religioso desconocido, afirmando que son pecadores. Pamela, la abuela de Catherine pronto comienza a revelar que tiene secretos ocultos para la iglesia local, y no todo es lo que parece. Cada noche la monja regresa, y esta vez, busca reclamar más de un alma.
The Great Charade
Stunt Coordinator
A psychological thriller in which the world's two most famous actors are kidnapped. They awake, bound and bruised, with no inkling of where they are. Unable to move they are at the mercy of those who adore them the most; their fans.
The Great Charade
Ryan Sterling
A psychological thriller in which the world's two most famous actors are kidnapped. They awake, bound and bruised, with no inkling of where they are. Unable to move they are at the mercy of those who adore them the most; their fans.
The Regulars
Set in London's iconic Prince Charles Cinema, The Regulars follows a day in the life of its hapless employees. During their shift they watch movies, argue with customers, and, above all, deal with each other.