Title Designer
Narra la historia de amor en la Inglaterra de 1840 entre la paleontóloga Mary Anning y Charlotte Murchinson, una mujer casada. En la conservadora sociedad británica del siglo XIX, la aclamada pero desconocida buscadora de fósiles Mary Anning trabaja sola en el sur del país. Cuando toda su fama ya ha pasado, se dedica a vender fósiles a los turistas para salir adelante, hasta que un visitante rico quiere que Mary cuide a su mujer. La relación entre ambas se irá desarrollando y tomará un camino inesperado.
First Assistant "A" Camera
A psychological thriller in which the world's two most famous actors are kidnapped. They awake, bound and bruised, with no inkling of where they are. Unable to move they are at the mercy of those who adore them the most; their fans.
A psychological thriller in which the world's two most famous actors are kidnapped. They awake, bound and bruised, with no inkling of where they are. Unable to move they are at the mercy of those who adore them the most; their fans.