Kim Sang-geun


Love Match
A sexy comedy about a professor and his female student.
A Better Tomorrow
Kim Hyuk es un mafioso vive la vida de la manera más rápida en la ciudad portuaria de Busan, Corea del Sur. Su mejor amigo es su compañero mafioso Lee Young-Choon). A pesar de que Kim Hyuk parece estar en la cima del mundo, está obsesionado por el recuerdo de dejar atrás a su hermano menor, Kim Chul, y a su madre cuando trataban de huir de Corea del Norte. La madre de Kim Hyuk fue golpeada hasta la muerte y Kim Chul encarcelado después de que fuera capturado por las autoridades norcoreanas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Modern Boy
During the Japanese occupation, a Korean modern boy, who wants to fit in with the Japanese, falls in love with a Korean freedom fighter.
Maundy Thursday
Yujeong is suicidal, yet she reluctantly goes to prison for volunteer work. There, she meets a prisoner who is waiting for death penalty. The two quickly fall in love despite their differences, yet they do not have much time.
See You After School
After going through training to overcome bullying, a high school teenager who has had problems with his life and his relationships in school must face a bully on the first day school.
If You Were Me
Anthology film of six shorts by leading Korean directors. Park Chan-Wook, tackles racial prejudice and the economic exploitation of immigrant workers through the real-life story of a Nepalese woman in Korea. Jeong Jae-Eun, tackles the plight of a paedophile released into the community. Yeo Gyun-Dong, invites disabled actor Kim Moon-Joo to re-enact his most famous protest. Im Soon-Rye, goes for the engrained sexism of Korean men with superb wit and, Park Jin-Pyo, confronts the horror of children forced into oral surgery to improve their English-speaking ability.
Primavera, verano, otoño, invierno... y primavera
Dos monjes viven en un monasterio aislado. Bajo la atenta mirada del más viejo, el más joven ve pasar las estaciones de la vida. Primavera: un niño monje se ríe de una rana que intenta librarse de una piedra que tiene en la espalda. Verano: un monje adolescente conoce el amor. Otoño: un monje de treinta años intenta hacer algo que va contra su naturaleza. Invierno: el monje está próximo a la vejez y alguien llega al monaterio. Primavera: el viejo monje conversa con la naturaleza; cerca de él juega un niño monje
The Coast Guard
En una noche de patrulla militar, el soldado Kang dispara a Young-kil, un civil, mientras éste mantenía relaciones sexuales con su novia Mi-yeong. El suceso provocará que Kang comience un descenso hacia la locura...
Domicilio desconocido (AKA Dirección desconocida)
Romances end in blood and the frail hopes of individuals are torn apart in a vile karmic continuity of colonialism, civil war and occupation. After surviving Japanese colonization, Korea became the first war zone of the Cold War. The legacy of war remains today in this divided country.