Andrea Berman


Yo soy Vanessa Guillén
Co-Executive Producer
La joven Vanessa Guillén fue asesinada en una base militar estadounidense. Lejos de someterse al silencio, su familia luchó por la justicia y el cambio.
Makeup Department Head
A lonely robot named ATOM lives out his mundane days taking care of the BIOS, a terraforming vessel out in space. But when Hal and Leah, a young couple in distress, arrive at his door begging to be let in, he realizes he may never have to be alone again.
The Antidote
The Antidote weaves together stories of everyday people who are making the intentional choice to lift others up in powerful ways, taking action in the face of fundamentally unkind realities that are once unfortunate facts of life in America and deeply antithetical to our founding ideals.
Spaceship Earth
In 1991 a group of countercultural visionaries built an enormous replica of earth’s ecosystem called Biosphere 2. When eight “biospherians” lived sealed inside, they faced ecological calamities and cult accusations. Their epic adventure is a cautionary tale but also a testament to the power of small groups reimagining the world.
De muchos, uno
The U.S. has long offered a promise of opportunity to immigrants, but currently immigration has become a divisive issue. This documentary illustrates how an understanding of our history and democracy is essential to constructive debate, informed civic participation and shaping a new class of citizens.
La cara oculta del sol
Los científicos solo han empezado a comprender recientemente la verdadera naturaleza de nuestra "estrella local", el Sol. Este programa estudiará a fondo su pasado y su futuro.