Fiorella Giovanelli


Aquí me río yo (Qui rido io)
Script Supervisor
El querido actor y dramaturgo napolitano Eduardo Scarpetta, padre de Eduardo De Filippo, dedicó toda su vida al teatro, logrando el éxito con obras atemporales como “Miseria e nobiltà”. Sin embargo, todo por lo que trabajó parece perdido en 1904, cuando se ve envuelto en una desagradable batalla legal que podría comprometer su libertad de expresión.
Glauber, Claro
A deep dive into Glauber Rocha's years exiled in Italy in the 70s. Through a collection of interviews and archives, the movie shows the making of his film Claro (1975) and his relation with European auteurs in their filmic and political views.
Script Supervisor
The last years of Bettino Craxi, one of the most important and controversial italian leader of the 1980's.
Script Supervisor
En 1914, con Italia a punto de entrar en la Primera Guerra Mundial, una comunidad de jóvenes artistas del norte de Europa se establece en la isla rural de Capri, un refugio seguro para disidentes e inconformes de todo el mundo, como los exiliados rusos dirigidos por Maxim Gorky. Preparándose para una próxima revolución. Aquí, la joven Lucía se encuentra con Seybu, la encantadora líder de la comuna, y Carlo, un joven médico.
El nombre del bambino
Script Supervisor
Amigos y familiares se reúnen para cenar juntos. La noche comienza tranquila y divertida. Pero de repente Paolo y Simona deciden anunciarles a los allí presentes el nombre del futuro bebé que van a tener: Benito. El hecho de llevar el mismo nombre que Mussolini, va a provocar un debate donde todas las personas no van a dudar en ofenderse y herirse entre ellas. Viejos rencores y secretos van a salir a la luz.
Leopardi,el joven fabuloso
Script Supervisor
Relata la maravillosa creación y la durísima y corta vida de Giacomo Leopardi, gran poeta de la Italia del siglo XVIII. Condicionado por sus terribles padecimientos corporales, Leopardi transita desde la Recanati de la biblioteca paterna hasta la Nápoles del cólera, dejando una obra tan personal como trascendente.
Tú y yo
Script Supervisor
Describe la historia de un adolescente de catorce años que engaña a sus padres con una coartada de una esquiada entre amigos para, en realidad, pasar esos días en un sótano con la intención de ayudar a su hermanastra mayor a superar su adicción a la heroína.
The Scent of Blood
Script Supervisor
A couple of bourgeois intellectuals, Carlo and Silvia, have been married for twenty years. While she lives in their flat in Rome, he spends most of his time in the country house where he writes his books, openly living with his younger lover, Lù. In return, Carlo has long accepted that her wife may have lovers, but her volatile relationship with a young neo-fascist suddenly rekindles his jealousy.
Script Supervisor
Fiery, dark-haired Stella, an intense auto mechanic, and nervous, blonde Eleonora are young and in love. They operate a gas station peacefully, until Eleonora's mother appears and voices her disapproval of their romance.
Little Horrors
A woman in her flooded kitchen thinks of Ophelia and death by drowning. A nun wonders about her vocation. A girl, dumb by choice, walks around in Naples. A ballerina in a wheelchair. Three youths around a bonfire in a little island. A man secluded in a tower waiting for the end of the world. And many other stories.
Especially on Sunday
Four lighthearted stories set in the idyllic Italian countryside: an old grouch finds himself followed by a stray dog; a lonely widow spies on her newly-wed son and daughter-in-law; a German tourist tries to seduce a younger nurse; a man wanders in the summer. The fourth segment was cut by Miramax for the US distribution.
12 Directors for 12 Cities
Promotional omnibus film, made for the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, featuring portraits of 12 Italian cities.
Il caso Moro
Assistant Editor
On March 16, 1978, far-left terrorists of the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democracy, the ruling party in Italy since the end of WWII. 55 days later, his body will be found in the trunk of a car. This is a neutral and factual account of what happened in between.
You Upset Me
Assistant Editor
The first movie directed by Roberto Benigni in four surreal short stories: "Durante Cristo" (During Christ), "Angelo" (Angel), , "In Banca" (At the Bank) and "I Due Militi" (The Two Soldiers). An excursus in Benigni's satirical views on man, religion and society.