Julika Jenkins

Julika Jenkins

Nacimiento : 1971-10-20, Heidelberg, Germany


Julika Jenkins
Julika Jenkins
Julika Jenkins


Der zweite Kurzschluss
Brings back Bettina and Martin one year later on New Year's Eve.
Baghead: Contacto Con La Muerte
Luego de heredar un bar en ruinas, una chica descubre el secreto que oculta dentro de su sótano: Baghead, una criatura que cambia de forma y que te permitirá hablar con aquellas personas que ya no están, pero todo tiene un costo.
When his grandmother Ella becomes increasingly confused and his grandfather Sönke simply doesn't want to part with his pub, the Dorfkrug, 47-year-old Ingwer Feddersen sees the time has come to return to his home village Brinkebüll. The village tavern isn't what it used to be - but that's also true for the whole village. Ingwer wonders when exactly was the point in time when the village of Brinkebüll went downhill? Was it in the 1970s when the hedges disappeared after the land consolidation and then the birds too? When larger and larger farms were built so that smaller ones had to give way? Is it perhaps his fault because he left his grandfather alone with gastronomy to study in Kiel? Based on Dörte Hansen's 2018 novel of the same name.
Breisgau - Nehmen und Geben
Dr. Hoffmann - Die russische Spende
Prof. Kindel
Todesurteil - Nemez und Sneijder ermitteln
Eva-Maria Auersberg
Sabine Nemez is now studying at the BKA academy with the eccentric forensic scientist Sneijder. Although she is shocked by the death of her boyfriend, her lecturer puts the young investigator on three unsolved murders. Second case of the duo after Andreas Gruber.
Breisgau - Bullenstall
Doreen Danzeisen
Comisario Dupin: Legado Bretón
Claudine Luzel
Justo al lado de Dupin, un respetado hombre de negocios, aparentemente golpeado, cae y muere. El Comisionado comienza a investigar.
Und wer nimmt den Hund?
After 26 years of marriage there is a divorce on the way between Georg and Doris. While Georg is having some fun with a much younger co-worker, Doris want the divorce be silenced. Thats why the couple is taking a separation therapy and there will be some rough sessions.
LOMO: The Language of Many Others
Karl, a 17-year-old boy who spends most of his time collecting pictures and videos for his blog, finds a new purpose when he falls in love with his fellow student Doro.
Ein Kind wird gesucht
Beate Jürgens
The Nightmare
Tina es una chica de 16 años que tiene todo lo que podría desear. Un día tras una fiesta, sufre unas terribles pesadillas muy reales en las que es perseguida por una extraña y horrible criatura. Ella está convencida de que ha sucedido de verdad pero sus padres no la creen.
Heridas profundas
Un crimen de la era nazi es el fondo de la adaptación del éxito de ventas de Cornelia "Nele" Neuhaus.
Algunas heridas nunca se curan
Cosima von Bodenstein
Oliver y su colega Pia investigan la muerte del superviviente del Holocausto Joshua Goldberg el cual fue ejecutado en su casa. El asesino escribió "16145" con la sangre de la víctima en un espejo.
La mujer no desada
Cosima von Bodenstein
Una niña desaparece sin dejar rastro. En el mismo lugar, también aparece el cadáver de un importante fiscal. El inspector jefe Von Bodenstein y su ayudante Pia intentan encontrar una conexión entre ambos sucesos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Die Holzbaronin
Patricia Seitz
"Cuando otros tienen su corazón, ella tiene un pedazo de madera"
Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari
Hannelore Geiser
Kari Tellenbach was born with a cleft palate. His mother takes care of him like a bird that has fallen out of the nest. As a young man Kari decides to become a barber and despite his handicap he wins the heart of Annemarie with his humour, charm and sensitivity. His happiness seems almost complete – but Annemarie’s middle class parents have already made other plans for their daughter.
A Man and His Dog
An elderly gentleman and his dog find themselves out of a home with little means.
Body Rice
Since 1980 German institutions send teens to the south of Portugal under experimental projects of social rehabilitation. That's how Katrin comes to Alentejo. She will establish a unique relationship with the surrounding environment, a situation exacerbated by the harshness of the landscape and the emptiness of a socially desertified region. Katrin, twith Julia and Pedro, will build a refuge in a no-man's-land...
Helen von Holzen, mother
Vitus es un chico que parece llegado de otro planeta: tiene un oído como el de un murciélago, toca el piano como un virtuoso y estudia enciclopedias a la edad de cinco años. Como es de suponer, sus padres le anticipan un brillante porvenir; quieren que sea pianista. Sin embargo, el pequeño genio prefiere tocar en el taller de su excéntrico abuelo, y sueña con volar y con tener una infancia normal. Finalmente, como consecuencia de un inesperado accidente, Vitus tomará las riendas de su propia vida.