Sergey Prikhodko


Jester's Night: Seriously Off Nut
Director of Photography
"Jester's Night: Seriously Off Nut" tells us a story that happened the day before - The New Year. It is the time when we wait for the wishes to come true. The picture is about our dreams that change with time and, unfortunately, become more pragmatic. The characters dedicate their lives to the career without noticing anything around them even their lovers' worries. Living this day together with characters, a viewer understands that it is never too late to implement in life their dreams. A businessman and a housewife; a cab driver and a man-hater; a secretary and a barbershop; a director and an ordinary tutor - everyone has their own New Year. For someone it is a pleasant fuss and an opportunity to make a secret wish. For others it is an annual tradition to make fun of oneself and to laugh at others during "Jester's Night".
Guardianes de la noche
Al caer la noche, las fuerzas de la oscuridad combaten a los “Otros”, sobrehumanos, Guardianes de la Noche, cuya misión es patrullar y proteger a la humanidad, manteniendo la calma. Pero existe un temor constante de que una antigüa profecía se convierta en realidad: que un poderoso “Otro” aparecerá, será tentado por uno de los lados e inclinará la balanza, haciendo que se desate una guerra entre la luz y la oscuridad, cuyos resultados pueden ser catastróficos.