Guillermo Pineles


Metok, una monja tibetana de la India, estudiante de medicina, recibe una llamada telefónica de su madre que le pide que atienda a una mujer que está a punto de dar a luz. Durante su viaje se enfrenta a dificultades geográficas, climáticas y controles militares que debe superar para completar su misión. Finalmente cruza la frontera y llega al Tíbet. Allí, asistiendo a un parto prolongado, da a luz al bebé de la pareja tibetana. Poco tiempo después, cumple uno de sus mayores deseos al encontrar a su familia a la que no ve desde pequeña.
El piso del viento
A couple builds a space to live. When it is finished, before inhabiting it, they invite a group of people to visit it. The invited people circulate individually through this new and empty space. They look, they walk, they talk. The film tries to rescue the effect of that experience in each one of them. So the space itself becomes an experience. What will they leave of themselves? What will they take? What will they show of the human? What is a house? What do you do with the past? The series of people who briefly inhabit that place, recently built, still free of all traces, could be thought of as infinite. The space fills and empties. The residual of that transit remains: a luminous fragility.
Elegía de abril
Executive Producer
The poet Salvador Merlino didn’t live to see published April’s elegy, his last book, as he died when it was still in the printing press. His daughter Mary (72) and his son, Carlos (74), kept the parcels of copies of their father’s book stashed away for 50 years, high up, on top of a wardrobe. The curiosity of young Federico will force them to come face to face with themselves.