Erica Schmidt


Mac Beth
On an autumn afternoon, in an empty lot outside the city, seven girls meet up to do a play. School uniform tartan transforms in this American urban wasteland. The girls are witches, ghosts, and kings. They hurl headlong into the unchecked passions of Macbeth—in Shakespeare’s original text—as the line between real life and blood fantasy quickly blurs. Through prophecies and smartphones, unexpected resonances emerge from Shakespeare’s dark nightmare of ambition gone awry. These young women discover what's done cannot be undone.
Mac Beth
On an autumn afternoon, in an empty lot outside the city, seven girls meet up to do a play. School uniform tartan transforms in this American urban wasteland. The girls are witches, ghosts, and kings. They hurl headlong into the unchecked passions of Macbeth—in Shakespeare’s original text—as the line between real life and blood fantasy quickly blurs. Through prophecies and smartphones, unexpected resonances emerge from Shakespeare’s dark nightmare of ambition gone awry. These young women discover what's done cannot be undone.
Un hombre adelantado a su tiempo, Cyrano de Bergerac deslumbra ya sea con feroces juegos de palabras en una justa verbal o con un brillante manejo de la espada en un duelo. Pero, convencido de que su apariencia lo hace indigno del amor de una devota amiga, la luminosa Roxanne, Cyrano aún tiene que declarar sus sentimientos por ella, y Roxanne se ha enamorado, a primera vista, de Christian.