The story of a group of friends who meet at the home of Marcos (filmmaker and gay) in the pre-event of a costume party where the slogan is: "Men dress as women and women as men". During that previous one, the owner of the house shows his friends his first short film (Porno de Autor). A story about two teenagers and the relationship of one of them with the older brother of the other. The concept of the short, which proposes to tell a story in a very natural and everyday way, full of details and above all of sexual tension, ends up moving, inevitably, to the group of friends.
Violeta, Rosa y Celeste, trillizas huérfanas, son campeonas imbatibles de nado sincronizado. Han sido promovidas por un coronel de pueblo que las transformó en el símbolo de su propaganda política. Todo está dispuesto para participar en los Juegos Olímpicos, pero Rosa se enamora.