Kim Gil-ja


Kyungmi’s World
Director of Photography
7 years ago, an aspiring actress Suyeon came to Seoul after losing touch with her family, and is barely surviving by playing minor roles and chores in a small troupe. Then one day, Suyeon receives a call from Tongyeong and goes down there.
Karaoke Crazies
Camera Operator
Deporte rey en Corea, el karaoke es el tema en torno al que gira esta inclasificable película. En ella, encontramos a Sung-wook, gerente de un local de karaoke, que para salvar el negocio contrata a una veinteañera adicta a los videojuegos. A la paleta de excéntricos personajes hay que sumar una amenaza: un asesino en serie anda suelto, y pronto se cruzará en sus caminos.
Stay with Me
Camera Operator
Hayun is a problematic girl who only wants finish high school, Iseop is a soft-hearted boy who cries too often. Two teenagers with a very different nature come together as friends by sitting at the same table in class. They are jealous of each other because of the things they don't have though they find solace in each other's company.
If You Were Me 5
Camera Operator
Funded by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. If You Were Me 5 takes a close look at the violent nature hidden behind our eyes. 5 directors- Kang Yi Kwan, Boo Ji Young, Yoon Sung Hyun, Kim Dae Seung and Sin Dong Il disclose how closely ordinary events of society connect with our eyes. There is a hidden sexual violence beyond our eyes and the power of a controlled society works through the power beyond the eyes. Not only the violence of the eye itself, also limited the ability of individuals to see, the matter of the eye intervenes in various relationships between the individual and groups. The film demonstrates how sharp the eye has become in a society with developing technology.