Cooper es una introvertida alumna de bachillerato cuya rebeldía refleja conflictos dentro de su acomodada familia. Su padre es un ejecutivo de televisión cuya carrera profesional está en declive. Y su madre, en otro tiempo bellísima, ahora está enferma. Una misteriosa y encantadora joven, Ivy, se hace amiga de Cooper y la utiliza para ganarse también a sus padres. Ivy comienza a tejer una red de engaños sobre toda la familia.
The made-for-TV film stars Jack Warden, Lou Diamond Phillips and Stan Shaw as three patients in a Los Angeles-area mental institution. Dressed as the Three Wise Men for a Christmas pageant, the trio is suddenly struck with the delusion that they are really their Biblical counterparts on a quest to find the Baby Jesus. As TV cameras grind away, the three ersatz Kings surreptitiously ride out of the gates of the asylum—on camels—and into the mean streets of LA. As the story draws to its conclusion, the three escapees find themselves providing a Christmas miracle (but not in the form of rap) for a group of homeless people on the outskirts of the city.