A successful talent agent enjoys the good life until his wife leaves him. Moving in with his friend and igniting an affair with the man's wife, he also acquires a difficult new client whose public image must be preserved at any cost.
Un grupo de mujeres inglesas, hechas prisioneras por los japoneses durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), tiene que ser trasladado de un campo de concentración a causa del elevado número de prisioneros. Custodiado por soldados japoneses, el grupo se pone en marcha a través de selvas pantanosas. Las enfermedades y el cansancio harán estragos tanto en las prisioneras como en los soldados nipones. En una aldea, de manera inesperada, encuentran a un aviador australiano que es un luchador nato.
After their honeymoon, Johnny Lipton and his wife Kit move into their small apartment. Kit runs the flat on a tight budget, for she hopes that one day with her support her husband will eventually run his own business. A lack of understanding of each other s character and aspirations, however, leads to many problems before Johnny and Kit are able to attempt a 'good beginning' to their marriage.