Director of Photography
Este documental sigue a los hermanos Bardem, Carlos y Javier, como portavoces de una campaña de Greenpeace que busca crear el mayor santuario marino de la tierra en el Oceáno Antártico, en una lucha por conseguir el apoyo popular para poner en marcha esta iniciativa. A bordo del Arctic Sunrise, seremos testigos de como la ciencia, la política y las redes sociales se entrelazan para que la gente apoye esta iniciativa, que al final depende solo de una decisión política.
Too hot! The spawning fish do not come at the right time and the pepper plants end up dying in this heat. "This is a very different weather that not even the spirits can understand." From their gardens, homes, and backyards, the indigenous women of the Amazon involve us in their vast universe of knowledge while they observe the impacts of climate change in their ways of life.
Too hot! The spawning fish do not come at the right time and the pepper plants end up dying in this heat. "This is a very different weather that not even the spirits can understand." From their gardens, homes, and backyards, the indigenous women of the Amazon involve us in their vast universe of knowledge while they observe the impacts of climate change in their ways of life.