Adam Gabay


Image of Victory
1948: un cineasta egipcio está realizando reportajes sobre una fuerza de voluntarios encargada de liberar a los campesinos palestinos. El viaje le lleva a encontrarse por casualidad con un joven y tenaz líder de una comuna cercana que pondrá en marcha unos acontecimientos que cambiarán sus vidas para siempre.
Kochava Levi, a 31-year-old housewife of Yemeni descent, was taken hostage during an attack on the Savoy hotel in Tel Aviv (March 1975). Over the course of one night, she transformed herself into a fearless heroine. However, by dawn, she was left with nothing but shame.
June Zero
Follows the infamous trial of Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the mass extermination of Jews during the Second World War. Depicting the events preceding Eichmann’s execution, it approaches the important and much publicized Nazi criminal through the eyes of three participants in these events.