Senior Citizen #2
Un grupo de personas que han seguido un programa de terapia para perder el miedo a volar lo celebran con un viaje en grupo con destino a Los Ángeles. Pero pronto descubrirán que sus temores eran fundados: un grupo terrorista ha secuestrado el avión, asesinando al piloto y amenazando a todo el pasaje con armas químicas. Muerto el capitán, sólo un pasajero está capacitado para llevar el avión a tierra.
Des is an eleven year old kid who has had a really bad deal in life. Crime and mischief are the main staples of his life and he and his friends cruise around the city and do things like vandalize, steal, light fires, and mug people. He thinks that he is untouchable because he cannot be charged until he is twelve. Cory becomes Des' best friend and they carry on like nothing can stop them; however, Des ends up at an assessment centre for troubled youths and may begin a new life without crime.