Bobby Vanonen


Christmas of Yes
Production Design
Amy Bell is a pro at turning down party invitations, vacations with friends, and even dates because she's laser-focused on her job. When her job is eliminated, her brother dares her to do something terrifying: say "yes" to everything this holiday season.
Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist
Production Design
After millions of people vanish and the world falls into chaos, a charismatic leader rises to lead the UN. However, his intentions are more sinister than they appear.
Secrets in the Wilderness
Production Design
Lisa and Tyler's marriage is on the rocks after Lisa discovers she's pregnant - she's been hoping to start a family but Tyler wants to focus on his business - an outdoor adventure outfitters - and worries being a family man will hurt his youthful, cool "brand". To save their relationship, the pair begin seeing Alana, a marriage counselor whose non-traditional ways seem to be working - at first. But after Alana convinces Lisa and Tyler to join her on a marriage retreat in the middle of nowhere, Lisa realizes their counselor has ulterior motives, and she'll be left fighting for her life, as well as the life of her unborn child.
Production Design
Después de que un traslado de prisión de rutina se estrella en el bosque, la joven paramédica inuit Melina se encuentra rodeada de asesinos con solo 100 pies para salir de una zanja para escapar. Cuando son atacados por una fuerza invisible en el bosque, el corto viaje de Melina a la seguridad se convierte en la última lucha de voluntades.
Concept Artist
Diz and Max used to spend their carefree middle-school summers playing video games, but as they’ve gotten older life has become predictably complex. After finding a coveted video game in a second-hand store, Diz is sent into a nostalgic tail-spin that only Max can pull them out of.
Range Roads
Production Design
A television actor returns home to deal with family tragedy.
Production Design
Un hombre y una mujer gravemente heridos despiertan en un sanatorio abandonado solo para descubrir que un cuidador sádico posee las llaves de su libertad y las respuestas horribles sobre su verdadera identidad.
True Fiction
Production Design
Avery Malone, una aspirante a escritora y bibliotecaria solitaria, obtiene su gran oportunidad cuando es seleccionada a mano para ayudar a su héroe, autor solitario, Caleb Conrad. Alejada de la remota propiedad de Caleb, Avery recibe su única tarea; participar en un experimento psicológico controlado en el miedo que servirá de base para la próxima novela de Caleb.
Lloyd the Conqueror
Art Direction
Three male college students, must do battle against Derek the Unholy, a dark wizard who is determined to hold onto his title as champion of the Larpers.