Julián Galay


Sound Designer
An e-mail and a found book are taken as evidence for an investigation: through analysis from a forensic software a relationship between what is built by humans and the spread of a virus is sought. What is the secret relationship between stones and pixels?
An e-mail and a found book are taken as evidence for an investigation: through analysis from a forensic software a relationship between what is built by humans and the spread of a virus is sought. What is the secret relationship between stones and pixels?
Caperucita roja
Cuando mi abuela tenía ocho años, cruzó un bosque montañoso, en una época en que el cielo español zumbaba de aviones militares. Ese día escapó de la servidumbre a la que la exponía su propio padrino, yéndose a su pueblo natal. En algún momento, decidió estudiar costura. Y tiempo después, cruzar el mar sola, hacia Buenos Aires. Una tarde, le pido que me enseñe a coser. Mientras fabricamos un abrigo rojo con capucha, nosotras, dos mujeres separadas por más de sesenta años, discutimos entre cuatro paredes las historias y contradicciones de nuestro género y clase. Afuera, una nueva generación feminista toma las calles.
Río Turbio
According to the myth still in force in the coal towns of Patagonia, if a woman enters a mine, the earth becomes jealous. Then, there’s collapse and death. Shady River starts from a dark personal experience to transform in a film about the silence of women who live in men's villages. How to film where our presence is prohibited? How to record the resonances of what doesn’t sound? As the fog and smoke from the power plant cover the town, the voices of the women of Shady River force their way between the white of the ice and the hum of the drilling machines, until blowing up the structure of silence.