Juan Benet


The Sounds of Space
This short film takes you on a journey back in time and to the edge of our solar system and beyond, to discover what other worlds of sound are lurking beyond Earth's atmosphere.
The Secret History of the Moon
This short film takes you back 4.5 billion years to witness the dramatic ways which the moon could have formed, according to the latest mind-blowing theories. By reading the clues written in Moon rocks, we are closer than ever to knowing its full story. But the Moon still holds its secrets close.
El aire de un crimen
España, años 50. El cadaver de un desconocido aparece en la plaza del pueblo de Bocentellas, dentro del mítico territorio de Región. Los habitantes pedirán ayuda al capitán Medina, joven oficial al mando de un cercano fuerte militar, hasta la llegada del juez.