Andres Arukask


8 Views of Lake Biwa
"8 views" is an eastern art tradition where one place (primarily the area around Lake Biwa in Japan) is described through eight motifs, among which are scarlet, snow, sailboats returning home in the evening, rain, autumn moon, temple bell, gust of wind, flight of forest geese. These motifs frame eight intertwining tragic love stories, the setting of which are modern Russian fishing villages of old believers on the border of Estonian-Russian settlements and cultures by Lake Peipsi. The spiritualization of everything living and inanimate from Japanese animism, the eroticism of shunga and the humble language of prayer merge into a spiritual and magical world of a small community, where one still believes that one is connected with everything.
How to Be Naked
Sound Designer
An experimental documentary about the process of opening up to oneself and others. An old actor is trying not to act. How to be yourself?
Se trata de una boda
Director of Photography
¿Qué harías si la persona que te gusta estuviera a punto de casarse con otra persona? "Se trata de una boda" es la historia de un novelista sarcástico agobiado por un amor no correspondido y una fecha límite.