Markus Schleinzer

Markus Schleinzer

Nacimiento : 1971-11-08, Vienna, Austria


Markus Schleinzer
Markus Schleinzer


Veni Vidi Vici
The Maynards and their children lead an almost perfect billionaire family life. Amon is a passionate hunter, but doesn’t shoot animals, as the family's wealth allows them to live totally free from consequences.
Sisi & I
Kaiser Franz Joseph
The story of Empress Elisabeth of Austria told from the point of view of her lady-in-waiting, Irma Sztáray. Far from the kitschy “Sissi” cliché, she portrays a woman who, for years without her husband, surrounded only by women, ventured on journeys throughout Europe, mastered six languages, practiced high-performance sports and did not fit at all into the tight corset of the Viennese court.
Mrs. Pospisil lives alone in an apartment in an old building in Vienna. The elderly lady's increasing forgetfulness prompts her son to suggest that she move into a nursing home. But then suddenly a crack opens up in one of the walls of her apartment, through which something enters Mrs. Pospisil's world that will change her life forever. Paul Ertl's highly efficient and picture-perfect The Crack is a psychologically underpinned mid-length horror miniature that transforms into a utopia as casual as it is original as it is gently disturbing, and is ultimately also a powerful plea for the autonomy of older people.
La conferencia
Otto Hoffmann
El 20 de enero de 1942, destacados representantes del régimen nazi alemán se reunieron en una villa de Berlín-Wannsee para una reunión que pasó a la historia como la Conferencia de Wannsee, en la que se decidió el asesinato sistemático de 11 millones de judíos.
The Royal Game
Dr. Auer
Viena, 1938. Los nazis acaban de anexionarse Austria y el notario Josef Bartok sabe que está en grave peligro. Mientras se prepara para huir, es detenido por la Gestapo y encerrado en un hotel reconvertido en prisión. Solo saldrá de allí si colabora con los nazis. Bartok no está dispuesto a ceder. Pero aislado, la soledad empieza a hacer mella en él hasta que consigue robar un libro de ajedrez, que será su punto de apoyo para mantenerse cuerdo y convertir la resistencia en un juego.
Jakob, de 17 años, no quiere nada más que sentirse vivo. Los ataques de ansiedad incontrolables le impiden hacerlo y lo obligan a escapar a mundos virtuales. Una noche, conoce a Kristjan, de 26 años, en un chat de cámara. Su encuentro marca el comienzo de un viaje transpersonal a las heridas de sus almas.
In early 18th century an African slave boy is chosen by a European Comtesse to be baptized and educated. Reaching adulthood, Angelo achieves prominence and soon becomes the Viennese court mascot until he decides to secretly marry a white woman.
In early 18th century an African slave boy is chosen by a European Comtesse to be baptized and educated. Reaching adulthood, Angelo achieves prominence and soon becomes the Viennese court mascot until he decides to secretly marry a white woman.
In early 18th century an African slave boy is chosen by a European Comtesse to be baptized and educated. Reaching adulthood, Angelo achieves prominence and soon becomes the Viennese court mascot until he decides to secretly marry a white woman.
El suelo bajo mis pies
Dr. Hoffmann
Aunque aún no ha cumplido los 30, Lola (Valerie Pachner) maneja su vida con la misma eficiencia que emplea para optimizar su rendimiento como consultora financiera. Nadie conoce la existencia de su hermana Conny (Pia Hierzegger), ni tampoco el largo historial que relaciona a su familia con la enfermedad mental. Todo cambia cuando un trágico evento relacionado con Conny obliga Lola a reencontrarse con su pasado, destapando una serie de secretos que creía haber dejado atrás y que provocan que, poco a poco, vaya perdiendo la cordura y el contacto con la realidad
Shillings from Heaven
Tyrol, 1932: The world economic crisis is at its peak, radical political movements emerge. In a small Austrian community, the engine driver Michael Unterguggenberger accepts the mayor's office against better knowledge. But how is he supposed to save Wörgl? The power of despair and the support of his wife Rosa form the breeding ground for a daring experiment: Unterguggenberger wants to print his own money without further ado - so-called work confirmation notes. For this he not only has to convince the community of his city, but above all to rebel against the mighty banking.
Dr. Schneider
17-year-old Coco wants to become famous. She goes to each audition, but is rejected time and again. On her YouTube channel, she creates a fictional world in which everything is perfect and her self-confidence is based on likes and followers.
One of Us
Joseph Winkler
A huge supermarket is the only social meeting point for the inhabitants of an industrialized suburb in Austria. This is where Julian, a lively 14-year-old, meets the misfit Marko, 16. One night, brimming with youthful enthusiasm, they break into the supermarket. The film is based on a true event.
Der Metzger muß nachsitzen
Mario Sedlatschek
Die Seelen im Feuer
A drama directed by Urs Egger.
Nick Gutlicht lives of illegally selling valuable books, owes money to a bunch of other crooks and has to hide from them. By chance he ends up in the mansion of the famous, now very old philosopher Curt Ledig, who despite the age related forgetfulness and pathological kitchen phobia resists to move to his daughter. Nick is hired by the family as watchdog. Now Curt can work on a presentation for the upcoming symposium, which anybody thinks he's capable of anymore. Nick thinks he has an excellent hiding place. This partnership of convenience of the two individuals quickly develops its own momentum. Curt regards Nick as an exciting research object and subjects him to an absurd therapy. For Nick it's a unique opportunity to fund his finances with Curt's phenomenal library. The strange couple is going through turmoil of incalculable proportions.
The Wagner-Clan
Adolf von Gross
After the death of genius Richard Wagner his wife Cosima fights for his legacy even against the will of her children Sigmund and Sieglinde.
Alles Schwindel
The catastrophe is perfect: Gustav Klimt's world-famous "kiss" was stolen from the museum. What is a problem for some is a salvation for others. For the impoverished Count Leopold, the loss of the picture is an advantage, because now he can earn the sum insured for the family-owned work of art. For the fashion designer Isabella, theft is definitely a problem too much. Not only is her father Albert, who was supposed to guard the picture on the night of the crime, now with a heart attack in the hospital, he admits to her that the stolen Klimt made a self-made ...
The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich
Agent Klein
Al final de su vida, Wilhelm Reich, psiquiatra y científico experimental que buscaba los fundamentos de la vida, se vio envuelto en un juicio, acusado de engaño. Su sueño de liberar al ser humano hace que sea un oponente peligroso del sistema estadounidense que después de 1945 lucha por la hegemonía global.
Ópera prima del actor austriaco Markus Schleinzer (también habitual director de casting de Michael Haneke y Ulrich Seidl). Describe la vida cotidiana de Michael, un oficinista de 35 años, que tiene secuestrado a un niño de diez años en el sótano de su casa.
Ópera prima del actor austriaco Markus Schleinzer (también habitual director de casting de Michael Haneke y Ulrich Seidl). Describe la vida cotidiana de Michael, un oficinista de 35 años, que tiene secuestrado a un niño de diez años en el sótano de su casa.
Die fremde Familie
When her 80-year-old father Robert needs a caregiver after an accident, Ira wants to take care of him at home - despite her difficult relationship with him. He had left her and her mother to start a second family. But now she sees the opportunity to approach him. However, given the high cost of care, she knows how to help but hire the Eastern European caregiver Elisaveta, who works for her black - much to the displeasure of her husband Marquard, who has ambitions as a local politician in addition to his work as a career counselor and never before understood with Robert.
Rammbock: Berlin Undead
El film se centra en Michael, que llega a Berlín a visitar a su ex-novia Gabi cuando un terrible virus se empieza a propagar por la ciudad de manera vertiginosa, convirtiendo a las personas en maniacos homicidas sin control.
El ladrón
Johannes Rettenberger es una persona introvertida que pasa sus últimas días en la cárcel preparándose como un gran atleta. Cuando sale se presenta a los diferentes campeonatos nacionales en su país, Austria, donde aparece como la gran revelación local. Una misteriosa fuerza, una gran capacidad de sacrificio parece que le empujan a ganar, pero de dónde proviene esa superación es un misterio. Mientras consigue pasar inadvertido en su reintregración en la sociedad, aprovechará sus cualidades para seguir haciendo lo que antaño, robar bancos. Una historia sentimental o la sombra del agente de la condicional serán algunos de los elementos que puedan truncar su camino. (FILMAFFINITY)
El ladrón
Johannes Rettenberger es una persona introvertida que pasa sus últimas días en la cárcel preparándose como un gran atleta. Cuando sale se presenta a los diferentes campeonatos nacionales en su país, Austria, donde aparece como la gran revelación local. Una misteriosa fuerza, una gran capacidad de sacrificio parece que le empujan a ganar, pero de dónde proviene esa superación es un misterio. Mientras consigue pasar inadvertido en su reintregración en la sociedad, aprovechará sus cualidades para seguir haciendo lo que antaño, robar bancos. Una historia sentimental o la sombra del agente de la condicional serán algunos de los elementos que puedan truncar su camino. (FILMAFFINITY)
La cinta blanca
En 1913, en vísperas de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918), extraños acontecimientos, que poco a poco toman carácter de castigo ritual, se dan cita en un pequeño pueblo protestante del norte de Alemania. Los niños y adolescentes del coro del colegio y de la iglesia dirigido por el maestro, sus familias, el barón, el encargado, el médico, la comadrona, y los granjeros conforman una historia que reflexiona sobre los orígenes del nazismo en vísperas de la I Guerra Mundial.
For a Moment, Freedom
Centers on a group of weary Middle Eastern refugees who have made their way to Turkey to apply for European visas.
Franz Fuchs – A Patriot
Los falsificadores
Berlín, 1936. Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics), el rey de los falsificadores de moneda, es un judío sin escrúpulos que cree que "la manera más rápida de ganar dinero es fabricar dinero". Nada le importa lo que está sucediendo a su alrededor, ni siquiera la situación de los judíos. Sin embargo, cuando estalla la guerra, es arrestado y llevado a un campo de concentración nazi, donde se ve obligado a trabajar con otros falsificadores. Su misión: fabricar libras esterlinas y dólares americanos. A cambio, sus condiciones de vida son mejores que las de los demás prisioneros. Sin embargo, esta situación les plantea a algunos un dilema moral: cooperar con sus verdugos equivale prolongar la guerra y facilitar la victoria de la Alemania nazi.
Forever Never Anywhere
Never at the sea.
Johannes, a new assistant at the university, is asked to provide reports on an Algerian colleague - who is suspected of being a sleeper. He refuses, but the seed of doubt has been planted. A fragile friendship which is overshadowed by professional and emotional competition eventually leads to betrayal.
The Whore's Son
Ozren is raised in Vienna by his mother Silvija, who works as a prostitute, and his aunt and uncle. The film shows the demimonde of Vienna in the early 1990ies and deals with Ozren's finding out that his mother is not a waitress (as he was initially told) and with the way he copes with it.
El tiempo del lobo
En la mitología germánica, el momento anterior al Apocalipsis, en el que se trastocan los valores y caen las más altas torres, se conoce como "El tiempo del lobo". Una familia de clase media (padre, madre y dos hijos) huye de la catástrofe ocurrida en la ciudad, y se refugia en su casa de campo. Piensan que así lograrán librarse del caos generalizado, pero pronto comprenderán que eso es de todo punto imposible.
Lena is homeless. She couldn't get a foothold in the big city, she hasn't been at home in the country for a long time and she only knows the big, wide world, which she allegedly traveled as a waitress on a cruise ship, from hearsay. Her grandfather's funeral is now both an occasion and an excuse for her to return to the village in the hope of finding her place in life here after all.
The Praying Mantis
Trixi Jancik leads a risky double life. At home, she is an obedient housewife. But when she puts on a disguise and goes to the racetrack to indulge in her secret passion, she catches a glimpse of a better life. Although she blows her grocery money, she has tasted the kind of luxury she can normally only dream about. A minor squabble at home brings the situation to a head and marks a turning point in her life: Trixi fixes her husband a lethal cocktail of pills.
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