John Ort


Cualquiera menos tú
Después de una primera cita increíble, la ardiente atracción entre ambos se enfría. Parecían la pareja perfecta, pero algo sucede y la cosa no va a más. Hasta que se reencuentran inesperadamente en una boda en Australia. Allí hacen lo que haría cualquier adulto: fingir que son una pareja.
The Water Song
A spunky seven-year-old receives a shiny pink bike for her birthday, but her domineering uncle is the only adult in the trailer park willing to teach her how to ride it, and the word "quit" is not in his vocabulary.
The Home
A troubled man starts working at a retirement home and realizes its residents and caretakers harbor sinister secrets. As he investigates the building and its forbidden fourth floor, he starts to uncover connections to his own past and upbringing as a foster child.