George Cron

George Cron


George Cron


My Sweet Holiday
Cuando el novio de Sadie (Malone Thomas) cancela sus planes de vacaciones, ella decide pasar la Navidad con sus padres en su ciudad natal, solo para descubrir que han vendido la querida tienda de chocolate de la familia a un extraño que no sabe nada sobre chocolate. A regañadientes, su padre la convence de que ella sería la opción obvia para ayudar a enseñarle al nuevo propietario todo lo que sabe sobre el chocolate. Mientras planea la fiesta de jubilación perfecta para sus padres, descubre que no todo tiene que ser perfecto. Y a veces, cuando menos lo esperas, encuentras el amor.
In Host, Missouri, the newcomer Dr. of Veterinary Science Eli Rudkus is called by the farmer Jacob Long to exam one of his cows. The veterinarian finds a strange parasite in the animal and sends it to a friend in the Department of Agriculture for research. Later, he finds the same parasite in a creek and he summons the population for a meeting, warning that the cause might be the animal food. However, Fletcher Odermatt, the wealthy owner of the local Host Tender Meals that has been providing free animal food for the farmers, brings his lawyer Hayley Anderson and discredits Eli. When a huge mutant parasite attacks Eli and Jacob, they discover that the meals are actually an experimental genetic cocktail that is growing parasites inside the cattle and people. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil