Adam Ripp


Danur 4: Senjakala
Based on the novel by Risa Saraswati.
Devil's Whisper
Alejandro Duran, de 15 años, quien proviene de una familia religiosa latina, aspira a ser un sacerdote católico algún día. Pero cuando Alex descubre una misteriosa caja, involuntariamente desata un espíritu demoníaco empeñado en poseerlo. Alex debe encontrar la manera de derrotar a este antiguo demonio, que ha estado atormentando a los niños desde los inicios del hombre, antes de que lo destruya a él y a todos sus seres queridos.
Su argumento gira en torno al personaje de Hudson quien, atrapada en su apartamento, deberá enfrentarse al acoso de todo tipo de asesinos enviados por su ex-novio quien resulta ser un peligroso (y rencoroso) jefe de la mafia.
Un plan perfecto (Gambit)
Harry Deane es un restaurador de arte que elabora un sofisticado plan para estafar a Lionel Shabandar, el hombre más rico de Inglaterra y, además, un empedernido coleccionista de obras de arte. Su objetivo es venderle un falso Monet. Como cebo utiliza a Nicole, una reina del rodeo de Texas, para que se haga pasar por una mujer cuyo abuelo localizó la pintura a finales de la II Guerra Mundial.
Gang Tapes
When a brutal carjacking yields a videocamera, a teenage boy decides to document his life and the lives of his fellow gangbangers.
Public Access
Brewster seems to be an almost too perfect example of idyllic small-town America, with everyone living in peace and harmony. So when newcomer Whiley Pritcher starts up his own local cable TV show with the question "what's wrong with Brewster?", there surely can't be any deep dark secrets in the town that are just waiting to come to the surface - or can there? And when the question becomes "who's wrong with Brewster?" things start getting seriously nasty.
Public Access
Our Town caller (as A.J. Ripp)
Brewster seems to be an almost too perfect example of idyllic small-town America, with everyone living in peace and harmony. So when newcomer Whiley Pritcher starts up his own local cable TV show with the question "what's wrong with Brewster?", there surely can't be any deep dark secrets in the town that are just waiting to come to the surface - or can there? And when the question becomes "who's wrong with Brewster?" things start getting seriously nasty.
Night Deposit
Sound Editor
Clare, a mysterious young woman, earns a lucrative income as a serial seducer of men.
The Curse of Poltergeist
Exploring the popular film series and several tragedies amongst the cast members.