Nicolò Tettamanti


Assistant Editor
In Rome it hasn’t rained for three years and the lack of water is overturning rules and habits. Through the city dying of thirst and prohibitions moves a chorus of people, young and old, marginalised and successful, victims and profiteers. Their lives are linked in a single design, while each seeks his or her deliverance.
Aquí me río yo (Qui rido io)
Assistant Editor
El querido actor y dramaturgo napolitano Eduardo Scarpetta, padre de Eduardo De Filippo, dedicó toda su vida al teatro, logrando el éxito con obras atemporales como “Miseria e nobiltà”. Sin embargo, todo por lo que trabajó parece perdido en 1904, cuando se ve envuelto en una desagradable batalla legal que podría comprometer su libertad de expresión.
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I Am Mariam Binladen
Im Bären
An italian girl is looking for a room to stay in Berlin. In the process she will have to undergo a series of casting sessions in which she will lose herself in the big city.