Danièle Lebrun

Danièle Lebrun

Nacimiento : 1937-07-24, Le Cheylard, France


Danièle Lebrun


Noël Joyeux
Tomorrow is Christmas at Vincent and Beatrice Barand's house. Vincent is happy, it's his favorite day. Unfortunately, the whole family cancels at the last minute. Result: no children, no grandchildren... While Beatrice is looking forward to this intimate evening, he is overwhelmed and can't imagine a Christmas together. So he decides to go to a retirement home to invite a lonely resident to join them and share the Christmas spirit. Monique, 85 years old and obsessed with death, arrives... soon followed by Jeanne, a former prison guard with no filter. For all four of them, this December 24th promises to be as explosive as it is unexpected!
Un año difícil
Albert y Bruno son compradores compulsivos, están en números rojos y endeudados. Conocen a un grupo de jóvenes activistas medioambientales y, más atraídos por la cerveza y las patatas fritas gratis que por sus argumentos, se integrarán poco a poco en el movimiento sin convicción... para intentar aprovecharse.
Asesinato en Charente
Jeanne Labeguerri
Cyril practica Taï-Chi en un rincón del Domaine du Manoir. Un palo de golf golpea la parte posterior de su cuello, matándolo con un golpe mortal. La investigación queda a cargo de Maud Arthuis.
Les enfants des justes
Madame Weisemann
In France in 1942. Blanche and Virgile live in the free zone and use a boat to help a local network of resistance fighters and refugees. One day the couple propose to take in Sarah, a Jewish child who is impatiently awaiting her parents
A Mysterious Disappearance
Rumours start flying around in a small French village after a butcher's wife goes missing.
La clinique du docteur Blanche
Sophie Blanche
Les vieux calibres
In search of the excitement of their youth, four retired people play gangster and make plans to rob the till in their retirement home. But when they learn of an upcoming ministerial visit, they decide to move up a gear and make the most of this unexpected event.
Un chapeau de paille d'Italie
La Baronne de Champigny
Another Woman's Life
Denise Bontant
When the fun loving Marie sets her eyes on brooding comic book artist Paul, it sets off the kind of romantic sparks that quickly culminate in the bedroom. But the next morning brings its share of surprises as Marie crawls out of bed to discover her life flash-forwarded fifteen years down the road: Not only has she been married to Paul all this time, but she’s now the mother of a little boy the head of a powerful multinational investment firm and the proprietor of a fabulous apartment overlooking the Eiffel Tower. Quickly Marie discovers that all her achievements have not brought happiness.
The Piano Tuner
The woman
Adrien is a young pianist prodigy. He collapsed psychologically having failed in a renowned competition and henceforth works as a piano tuner. As remedy to this life, he invents a blind person's mask to penetrate into the intimacy of his customers. This subtlety allows Adrien to get back the taste for music. But since he sees things he should not see, Adrien ends up witnessing a murder.
Imogène McCarthery
Mrs Elroy
Elle est rousse. Elle est écossaise. Elle aime le rugby et la cornemuse. Elle vit à Londres, mais se considère en exil. Elle a un fichu caractère et une sacrée descente au whisky. Elle s’appelle Imogène Mc Carthery… du clan des McLeod !
Juntos, nada más
Camille's Mother
Camille limpia oficinas por las noches y dibuja con arte en sus horas libres. Philibert es un joven aristócrata amante de la historia, tímido, sensible y solitario que vive en un espacioso piso, propiedad de su familia. Franck un cocinero duro y a la vez tierno, quiere muchísimo a su abuela Paulette, una frágil anciana muy "sui generis". Los tres aprenden a vivir juntos y a superar juntos dudas y penas a fin de materializar sus sueños. (FILMAFFINITY)
Je hais les parents
The Robin Sisters
Aminthe Robin
Two elderly ladies, Marie and Aminthe, both single and without children, live together in the house of their grandfather. Aminthe lives in the memory of Fabien, her husband to-be, who died in Indo-China more than fifty years ago. Marie, the elder one, likes to remind the happy time of their childhood - before they lost their parents prematurely. As kids, each have their own character flaws but seem to have a pure and simple childhood. Now, they live their pensions - small -, vegetables of the kitchen garden that Marie sells at the market and of the piano courses which Aminthe gives... Not enough to maintain their old residence, badly heated and of which the roof is to be remade... But when Aminthe affirms that it is necessary to sell and buy an apartment, Marie refuses categorically. Soon we learn what secrets these girls have kept all their lives.
Désiré Landru
Mme Cuchet
Désiré Landru - husband, lover - and murderer. Based on documented facts, this is the full story of one of the most ambiguous criminals and lovers of the 20th century, the first modern serial killer.
Le voyageur sans bagage
La duchesse
We see how a man, who has no memory of his past, deals with his past when he finds out about it.
Madame Sans-Gêne
In August 1792, on the eve of the attack on the Tuileries, Catherine Hubscher, a laundress in Paris, met a sergeant and an artillery lieutenant who would become respectively Marshal Lefèvre and Emperor Napoleon I. 1810. Napoleon was about to marry Marie-Louise. Fearing the inconstancies and moral lessons of Marshal Lefebvre, the emperor asked her husband to keep her away from the wedding ceremonies. He is unaware that the hotheaded young woman has received a personal invitation from the Austrian embassy.
Across the Road
la femme en rouge
Author Jean Dorset has suffered from a bad case of writer's block since his first novel became a bestseller. He lives in a small apartment in Paris with his wife Michelle and, in spite of their ostensible success, the couple are having trouble making ends meet. One day they receive the utterly unexpected news that they are the sole inheritors of a wealthy neighbor, M. Guillemet, whom they have never met. Guillemet has left them his old townhouse along with all of his belongings, but with two conditions -- the first is that the dead man's papers be left untouched, and the second is that his live-in maid Clemence Richbourg remain employed at the estate. The Dorsets soon learn why they were the recipients of such strange generosity. Guillemet had set up a camera with a massive zoom lens pointing to their bedroom window. The couple is shocked and disgusted, but not enough to give up their new tony digs.
Chased by two androids programmed to kill him, Zerph puts down his flying saucer in Auvergne while waiting for help.
Hard Off
This French romantic comedy-drama concerns Claude Langmann, a middle-aged auctioneer, who is in a loving marriage with his second wife of 15 years. Though he is deeply in love with his wife and has remained faithful to her, he finds himself unable to perform in bed. His wife says she is satisfied with Claude's love and tenderness, but he visits a sex specialist anyway. There he learns of Viagra, which is not yet approved in France, though it is available in Switzerland over the counter. Soon Claude is on his way to Geneva, and eager to prove his manhood, tries to bed Agnes, his very attractive and very available assistant. His daughter, who also comes along for the trip, interferes with her own problems.
Belle Maman
At the altar where he is marrying Séverine, the groom, Antoine, gets his first glimpse of her mother, Léa, and suffers what the French call a coup de foudre which we know as love at first sight.
Max's Mother
Durante más de cuarenta años, el señor Wagner se ha ganado la vida matando gente. Y durante más de cuarenta años se ha sentido orgulloso de su trabajo, como cualquier artesano, con un ambiguo pero genuino código de honor que considera esencial en su trabajo. Pero eso pertenece al pasado. Hoy, el señor Wagner es un viejo hombre y los tiempos han cambiado, la televisión ya no es la misma que antes, el supermercado ha reemplazado a la pequeña tienda de siempre y los asesinos profesionales proliferan por doquier. Por eso, cuando conoce a Max, un joven de veinte años en el que ve algo de un tiempo pasado, el señor Wagner cree haber encontrado a su sucesor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un héroe muy discreto
Madame Dehousse
Durante los últimos meses de la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un hombre decide convertirse en héroe de un conflicto en el que no ha participado. Para ello, se inventa una vida admirable, más viva y rica que la suya, falsificando papeles y urdiendo artimañas que le presentan ante las autoridades francesas como un activo miembro de la Resistencia
Les Maîtres du pain
la baronne du Castel
L'argent fait le bonheur
How the mothers of a deprived suburb of Marseille will create a solidarity committee under the aegis of the parish priest. Gathered in assembly, they will invent a solution to the endemic misery of their city.
Madame Giraud
A la edad de 22 años, Céline recibe una sucesión de noticias traumáticas: su padre muere y, además, descubre que es adoptada. Los acontecimientos la sumen en una gran depresión que le hacen coquetear con la idea del suicidio. Geneviève, una chica que trabaja como enfermera, un día encuentra a Céline inconsciente en la calle, y se la lleva al hospital. La madre de Céline contrata entonces a Geneviève para que la cuide. La enfermera se siente particularmente identificada con Céline, puesto que ella pasó por un trance parecido años atrás, y le hace seguir el mismo proceso que ella pasó para recuperarse. La amistad entre las dos muchachas crecerá enormemente, y Céline descubrirá que incluso tiene cierto don para la curación.
Cuento de invierno
Durante unas vacaciones estivales, Felicia y Charles tienen un apasionado romance, pero debido a una confusión de direcciones pierden el contacto. Cinco años después, en Navidad, Felicia vive en París con su madre y con su hija nacida nueve meses después de aquel verano. En su vida sentimental, Felicia duda entre Maxence, un peluquero, y Loic, un joven librero intelectual, pero es incapaz de comprometerse con ninguno de ellos porque no puede olvidar a su antiguo amor.
Mme Archambaud
After World War II, a small French village struggles to put the war behind as the controlling Communist Party tries to flush out Petain loyalists. The local bar owner, a simple man who likes to write poetry, who only wants to be left alone to do his job, becomes a target for Communist harassment as they try and locate a particular loyalist, and he pushes back.
La pasión de Camille Claudel
Rose Beuret
Camille (Isabelle Adjani), la hermana del escritor Paul Claudel, sintió desde niña una gran pasión por el arte y en especial por la escultura a la que dedicó gran parte de su vida. El escultor Auguste Rodin (Gérard Depardieu) fue su maestro, y ella se convirtió en su musa. Entre ambos surgió una tormentosa relación amorosa plagada de crisis y rupturas. La escultora tuvo también una vida personal muy agitada: era una mujer demasiado libre e independiente que no se adaptaba a las costumbres y convencionalismos de su época. Al final de su vida, vivió como una mendiga y acabó siendo internada en un psiquiátrico por sus problemas mentales.
Florence Rouvier
Heavy traffic in the summer. Bad luck for Juliet, Albert, Jaeger and Arthur who does not reach their destination. Involved in a terrible accident that will change their lives forever.
Laurette ou L'amour voleur
It Only Happens to Others
Catherine y Marcello perdieron a su hija. Solo de 9 meses por una rara enfermedad. Tratan de lidiar sobre ello y recordar momentos felices cuando la bebe esta viva
L'illusion comique
Un padre busca desesperadamente a su hijo, que huyó de la casa hace diez años, cansado de la tiranía paterna. Un corresponsal misterioso, Alcandre, "el hombre con llaves de oro" de un gran hotel parisino y detective aficionado.
La double inconstance
Two young villagers in love with each other, Silvia and Harlequin, see their love broken by a manipulative prince.
Pour avoir Adrienne
La Cousine Bette
Hortense Hulot
Los siete pecados capitales
(segment "L'envie'") (uncredited)
Película dividida en siete cortos, cada uno de ellos protagonizado por un pecado capital.
Small Local Trains
Suzy Beauminet
Émile Durand, an insecticide manufacturer, is appalled to learn that his son Gérard has fallen in love with Suzy, the daughter of a travelling theatre company. Realising his father will never favour the union, Gérard joins the company on their next tour. In an attempt to heal the rift, Durand’s wife goes after Gérard and ends up performing in their next play…
Le mouton
Gisèle Martin