The crazy comedy "City Day" tells about one day in the life of the inhabitants of the provincial Lyubyakino. Celebrating the City Day, people did not notice that the president himself had planned the working trip through the town. Sudden news plunges everyone into shock and creates chaos: the mayor, the district police officer, the priest and other heroes from this place, lost in the outback, forgotten by God and progress, must, in the shortest possible time, bring the city, actively celebrating, as the last time, into a decent look, in a hurry to mask the problems from the view from the guarded cortege and to depict that this is a place of high culture of everyday life.
Después de que un policía estadounidense fuera asesinado por traficantes de armas del mercado negro, su compañero, Rudy (Robert Madrid), y el padre del policía asesinado, el ex agente de inteligencia británico Roger Chambers (Michael York), se dirigen a Moscú para encontrar a los asesinos. Los dos comienzan a rastrear sus objetivos, pero su plan falla cuando Rudy es herido y Chambers es arrestado. Entra Vlad (Alexander Nevsky), un oficial ruso que está dispuesto a ayudar a los hombres a completar su misión.