Tae Wook


Ambientada en 1933 durante la colonización japonesa de Corea, "Fantasma" será una película de acción de espionaje escrita y dirigida por Lee Hae-young. Contará la historia de cinco personas sospechosas de ser un misterioso "fantasma", un espía de un grupo de resistencia antijaponés. Atrapados dentro de un hotel aislado, los cinco personajes deben usar su ingenio para sobrevivir y escapar mientras sospechan unos de otros.
La 8ª Noche
Con un rosario en una mano y un hacha en la otra, un monje que en el pasado fue exorcista, intenta dar caza a un espíritu milenario que está poseyendo a los humanos y desatando el infierno en la Tierra.
New Year Blues
"New Year Blues" se centra en una semana romántica de cuatro parejas que superan varios obstáculos antes de que finalice el año
Ah-young, a grown orphan with government aid cut off, starts working as a nanny for Young-chae, a single mother who works at a bar to make ends meet.
Libéranos del mal
Un asesino va a Tailandia para resolver un caso de secuestro vinculado a él y se ve perseguido por un hombre a cuyo hermano mató.
Tiempo de caza
Cuatro muchachos que buscan dejar atrás su distópico mundo y huir a un lejano paraíso ejecutan un robo a mano armada, un acto audaz que tendrá inesperadas consecuencias.
Tazza: One Eyed Jack
A young poker player at the top of his game joins a team led by the legendary poker player One-Eyed Jack. While successfully working on a plan to win a huge jackpot, a single mistake puts the entire team in a life-or-death situation.
Girl Cops
La historia de una agente de policía que solía trabajar en el escuadrón policial, pero se muda al Centro de Servicios Públicos después de casarse. Se une a su cuñada para resolver un caso de una víctima de la pornografía que busca venganza y luego se suicida.
In this political thriller, a politician finds his wife in the garage. She is cleaning her son's bloodstained car, which has just run over a person.
Young-ju lives with her little brother after losing her parents in a traffic accident. She would even give up her studies to care for her brother. But as life gets more difficult, Young-ju decides to visit the perpetrator in the accident that killed her parents.
In 2003 the year of Aomori Asian Games, Dae-woong, a former ice hockey player receives an offer to be a director of Korean national ice hockey team. Before he enjoys the moment, realizes it is a woman national team with bunch of losers; a figure skating player who wants to get married by becoming a national team, a former field hockey player, now a fat housewife, and an expelled short track skater. As an ace player, Ji-won, a former national team player of North Korea, joins the team. But they still have hope as only 5 teams participating this year. With the great victory of first match, they feel the medal is closer, yet Ji-won meets her sister left in North Korea alone as a next opponent...