According to a study published last year, 22% of 18-30 year olds consider themselves non-binary, neither totally male nor totally female, and prefer to see gender as a specter. Meeting with Marie Cau, the first transgender mayor elected in France, became a symbol for many. Lilie, 8, and Lilo, 15, have decided to free themselves from the eyes of others and start a transition. We have followed them in their daily lives to understand their journey, the questions they ask themselves, and the difficulties they encounter. Océan, director and actor, filmed all the stages of his transition from "Woman to Man". He will give us his perspective on this revolution of the genre. And the artists Bilal Hassani and Kiddy Smile will explain to us this new way of understanding their identity, by playing with the codes of the masculine and the feminine.
Hoy en día, la autobiografía de Adolf Hitler, que también sirve como manifiesto nazi se sigue vendiendo en todo el mundo. ¿Cómo se escribió? ¿Fue Hitler realmente el autor? ¿Estaban la guerra y el Holocausto realmente inscritos en sus páginas? Este documental se adentra profundamente en los secretos de Mein Kampf (Mi lucha).