Mirosław Jakubowski

Nacimiento : 1933-05-16,

Muerte : 2011-05-08


Makeup Artist
Based on a true story of a Polish musician who survived the concentration camp only because he could play on the accordion the title melody.
Makeup Artist
In 1969 a young writer decides to write an essay on a well known Polish writer, who had to leave the country in the 50's, later living, working and dying in exile. He slowly assembles the character and even the exterior appearances of his idol until his own identity tragically disappears.
Zamach stanu
Makeup Artist
The Nest
Makeup Artist
Told in flashback as Mieszko lies feverish in his bed just before the Battle of Cedynia, Gniazdo recounts how the revered leader extended Poland's borders, formed an alliance with Emperor Otto I, and ultimately strengthened his country's autonomy by achieving victory during that crucial battle in the year 972.
Signals: A Space Adventure
Makeup Artist
Estamos en el siglo XXI, una nave espacial desaparece misteriosamente. Otra nave es enviada en su búsqueda.
Bicz Boży
Makeup Artist
My Second Marriage
Makeup Artist
After the death of his wife, Marcin stays alone with his growing son on the farm.
Argument About Basia
Assistant Makeup Artist
Tren de noche
Makeup Artist
Un joven, que quiere ser doctor, se sube a un tren en el que conoce a una joven secretaria... Considerada la mejor película de su realizador junto (Faraón), un thriller de intriga que homenajea a Hitchcock.