Astrid Ardenti


Italia, theories for a home movie
Francesco and his mother live together in an apartment behind the Pavía cathedral. The son looks after his mother who's been in a wheelchair for a few years. All days are the same, but Francesco's dreams start merging with quotidianly to transcend the rooms and hallways that have become his whole world.
Pace non cerco, guerra non sopporto
The sight of a landscape is suddenly interrupted by the passing of a train entering the frame. It blurs the vision, covers the sounds of nature. Trains, as taught by Film History, represent a technological fascination, an industrial attraction, but are also the symbol of a progress careless towards the world and human beings (suffice to think of the founding myth of the Old West), aimed at commodities, at an economic rather than moral value. In the same way Ramiro, a debuting musician, is overwhelmed by the “productive machine” which seduces him, but also startles and scares him, because it sells off people and makes them all the same.
Il Tempo si Distingue tra le tue Mani
"Il Tempo si Distingue tra le tue Mani" is a letter-film about distance. A reflection on the mechanisms of memory, on the impossibility of recalling memories in their entirety. The director's hands intertwine with those of her grandmother, creating a bond in which time flows. We go from silent images to words written on scraps of film.
The Young Observant
Production Assistant
In a prestigious hotel school, Luca learns the art of service. How much of his own freedom and adolescence must the young man give up to work at serving customers?
Misleading, a movie , by Astrid Ardenti, Marta Innocenti and Lea Pedri Stocco.