Kevin J. Wilson

Kevin J. Wilson


Kevin J. Wilson


IKE El desembarco en Normandía
RAdm. Bert Ramsay
El día D, la mayor operación militar de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el comienzo de su fin marcó a Dwight ”Ike” Eisenhower como uno de los líderes militares más poderosos de América. Esta película rememora los 90 terribles días que precedieron al desembarco, cuando Eisenhower decide el destino de miles de soldados a la vez que se ocupa de las relaciones estratégicas con el primer Ministro británico, Winston Churchill, el General George S. Patton.
Luella Miller
The arrival of gorgeous and enigmatic Luella Miller instantly disrupts the social balance of a small New Zealand town in this spine-tingling psychological thriller.
Mike Taylor
Spooked is a contemporary conspiracy thriller arising from the mysterious death of Kevin Jones, who thought he was just buying second-hand computers, until he looked at the data left on the discs. Was kevin murdered or did he simply get drunk and crash his car? Investigating journalist Mort Whitman says he will find out, even if it kills him. The film is based on material from the book 'The Paradise Conspiracy' by Ian Wishart.
Lost Valley
Tom Blake
Best friends Mary-Ann (Foster) and Sandy (Thompson) are finally taking their dream expedition to New Zealand. They are accompanied by their teenage daughters Jaretha (Gillette) and Kerry (Nicoll). Issues of first night frights from the local wildlife and daughters that can't stand each other become insignificant when they come face to face with Kiwi poachers. No match for gun-toting guys, the four find themselves held prisoner and fearing for their lives.
Chunuk Bair
The tragedy of Gallipoli is exposed
Un ángel en mi mesa
Adaptación de la autobiografía de la escritora Janet Frame. Nacida en una familia pobre y muy numerosa, desde muy pequeña se sintió diferente a los demás niños. Aunque estudió para maestra, fue considerada una persona anormal y, por tanto, fue encerrada en una institución para enfermos mentales durante ocho años. Alcanzó el éxito cuando empezó a escribir libros
Len Crawford
Willie, a likeable kid, forms a friendship with Rikki, a new arrival at the reform school. Willie discovers that Rikki is maybe tough enough to take on Karl, the kingpin. Although Rikki is strong, he does not like to fight, but tensions mount as Karl's bullying become more obnoxious. After being shown up by Willie, Karl loses his temper and gives Willie a thrashing. As a result, Willie joins with some other boys in an escape. They steal a car, get drunk, and have a serious accident. Meanwhile Rikki is in hospital, injured in a forestry "accident' engineered by Karl.
Wild Horses
Amid the high country of the North Island interior, wild horse roam and breed. With the trees gone, Dan Mitchell and the Sullivan brothers, turn to the wild horses as a source of income. With rope and snare - and the help of an experienced horse catching team - Sam and Sara's example, the rough ex-loggers learn to respect a delicate balance between the wild horses and their catchers. The best stallions are left to breed and their riding horses are retired back into the wild herds.
Alfred Burton
Walter Burton's realistic photographs depicting poor treatment of Maori prisoners are rejected by late 19th century government officials. Walter is condemned to making a living from everyday studio work, the frustration of which is apparently quite sufficient to make him a drunk. His brother Alfred is happy to take the photos that the officials want and therefore gets the commissions. Alfred's photos are well received, but when Walter shows his own photos, toughs are sent around to smash up his plates.
Skin Deep
In small town Carlton Bob, the head of the Progressive Association, the local accountant and the boxing coach at the men-only gym, hires a masseuse from Auckland. Sandra is quite happy to give straight massage, but Bob pressures her to give "city massages". The wives are disturbed by her presence - perhaps with some justification. The climax occurs when accountant Phil, wants to leave his wife for Sandra; but when she rejects him, he smashes up the gym. The boys rally round to hush up Phil's indiscretion.