Vic Carpenter


Vampire at Midnight
Sound Mixer
The "Vampire Killer" leaves his victims drained of blood, while a detective tries to catch him.
A Last Cry for Help
Sharon appears to be a normal 17-year-old girl with good grades, many friends, and a wonderful personality - hardly someone you think would be considering suicide. But her home life is constrained by the pressures and expectations of her parents. She slowly spirals downward, her mother at one point telling her that she has no business being unhappy. So, she gulps down a bottle of sleeping pills. She is saved, but for how long?
El chico de la burbuja de plástico
Sound Engineer
Un chico, nacido sin defensas inmunológicas, debe estar toda su vida en un ambiente libre de gérmenes. El muchacho crece en el espacio estéril de una habitación de plástico instalada en su propia casa. Asiste a clase por medio de una cámara de vídeo y adquiere un extraordinario y precoz desarrollo intelectual. Cuando se enamora de su vecina Gina, se planteará un grave dilema: sólo un paso los separa de la felicidad; un simple paso que puede significar la libertad o la muerte.
The Tribe
A family tribe of Cro-Magnons faces hardships, such as hunger, animal attacks, Neanderthal attacks, and death from injuries as they migrate to find a more bountiful land to live on.