Pastor Moncada


Güepsa, historias cortas de Santander
Justo Pastor
Grandmother Verónica and her husband Pastor, without money, live in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Güepsa, Santander. Her tragedies are minimal, but traversed by the history of violence in Colombia, while around her, her neighbors struggle to stay alive in the daily routine of the countryside.
El Tiple
Pastor's wife Veronica has become ill in bed, so he decides to sell his musical instrument secretly in order to buy the medicines she needs. After he sells it, Pastor arrives at home heartbroken, but he finds his wife in a better health condition. Veronica asks Pastor to play her a song with the instrument, so he will do what it takes to get it back.
Los Retratos
Es domingo de mercado campesino y la abuela Paulina quiere prepararle gallina criolla a su esposo, pero el dinero no le alcanza. Sin querer y en el mercado, gana una cámara Polaroid en una rifa, así que le propone a su esposo tomar fotos de sus vidas y de ellos mismos. El rollo de la cámara se acaba y el hambre de gallina persiste.