Key Animation
As the conflict that began in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection continues to escalate, Nanoha and her allies soon find out the troubled history between Iris and Yuri, which is related to the tragedy of Eltoria's "Planet Reclamation Committee".
Key Animation
Es el año 2116 y el gobierno japonés ha comenzado a exportar los droides no tripulados y el concepto de Sistema Sibyl a los países que lo requieran y así es como se ha extendido mundialmente el sistema. La unión de países del sudeste de Asia (SEAUn) ha introducido recientemente el Sistema Sibyl y se encuentra en fase experimental y es gracias a ello que la ciudad artificial construida sobre el agua Shambala Float disfruta de días de paz y tranquilidad. Sin embargo, desde SEAUn llegan terroristas a Japón que consiguen birlar el Sistema Sibyl y lanzar una ofensiva al gobierno central. Es entonces cuando la sombra de cierto hombre aparecerá y Akane viajará hasta Shambala Float para descubrir la verdad detrás de la justicia que mueven estos hechos.
Key Animation
Virtual reality. Murder. Werewolves. And teen girls! In a future where nothing is as it seems, can old legends come true? In the near future, humans will communicate almost exclusively through monitors, making real interaction a rarefied and weak occurrence for those living in a near totalitarian society. In this new world of communication, children are only allowed to interact personally on school grounds. So when a serial killer starts slaughtering junior high children the communication routes go under further surveillance. And despite all the safeguards put in place to avoid physical interaction, the killer's latest victim turns out to have been in contact with three young girls: Tsuzki Mio, a certified prodigy; Matsuno Hatsuki, a quiet but opinionated classmate; and Kouno Ayumi, her best friend. And as the girls get caught up in trying to quell curiosity under such terrorist scrutiny, Hatsuki learns that there is much more than meets the eye of their monitored communications.
Key Animation
In 2100, the newly built Bayside City serves as Japan's premier international port. The Angel Arms Company is established by a former policewoman named Takako, to help wage war on terrorism with armed security suits. When the mayor is assassinated, the women of Angel Arms end up protecting the evil crime-lord Hassan, in hopes that his information will help bring down a global terror ring. Takako's back is to the wall as a band of criminals plot to kill Hassan, and the organization's leader is revealed to be the former lover of Angel Arms' own Alisa.