Lea Nussbaum


Let The Old Folks Die
Costume Design
Kevin lives in a time and place where everything is permitted and accepted. He wants to rebel – but against what? A tragicomedy about youth gasping for air in a cotton-candy world. A generation seeking a reason for its malaise and a way to shed the boredom – only to discover, at most, its own emptiness. That’s no way to start a revolution. Or perhaps?
Tuesday the 17th
Cuatro amigos, Wendy, Joey, "Spider" y Samantha, visitan la ciudad natal de Wendy. Van al bosque donde Wendy lleva a sus amigos sin rumbo fijo a través de los árboles. A medida que el grupo continúa filmando, las imágenes muestran extraños atisbos de cuerpos y Wendy comienza a contarle a Joey cosas aterradoras y confusas.