Nan Sikai

Nan Sikai


Nan Sikai


Monster Attack 3
Su Jinfeng, a local citizen, contracted a deserted island in the sea from his village. He has been planting coconut trees and picking coconut fruits on the island for several years. On this day, Su Jinfeng suddenly encountered a dinosaur while working in the coconut grove. He was frightened and fled for his life. Afterwards, Su Jinfeng was puzzled and brooding about the encounter with dinosaurs, and immediately informed a media of the information, hoping to attract attention and solve the mystery of dinosaurs. Media editor Lin Peilun was overjoyed when she heard the news. As a media person, she knew that if the situation was true, the prehistoric civilization of dinosaurs would be an unprecedented major discovery for the contemporary age. She may even be the first to report the incident..
Laoshan Taoist
The frivolous young Wang Sheng, who wanted to practice the Taoism of Laoshan, insisted on embarking on a journey of seeking the Tao under the doubts of everyone. After several twists and turns, he finally won the support of experts and fellow partners. After solving the mystery of his life experience and firming his decision, Wang Sheng was finally enlightened. He decided to use his own way to fight against Demon Xuanzhen!
Destruction of Opium at Humen
A Tai
Al final de la dinastía Qing, los comerciantes británicos empaquetaban el opio como "ungüento Fu Shou" y lo vendían a China, y un sinnúmero de personas sufrían mucho. Los restaurantes de cigarrillos en Guangzhou están floreciendo en todas partes, los fumadores acuden en masa a ellos, hundiendo cadáveres en el fondo del río, vendiendo niños por cigarrillos son comunes, e innumerables familias se rompen y la gente muere. Lin Zexu (Yao Yao), el Ministro de la Casa Imperial, recibe la orden de ir al sur a vender cigarrillos, pero es objeto de repetidas represalias por su participación en la cadena negra de intereses gubernamentales y comerciales detrás del opio, los asesinos y las bombas humanas.
Journey To The West: Red Boy
Yang Jian (Erlang Shen)
Zhao Zilong: God of War
Xiahou En
Zhao Yun or Zhao Zilong is legendary general from early Three Kingdoms period of China. He was best sidekick and advisor for Liu Bei and had since accompanied him on most of his military exploits, from the Battle of Changban (208) to the Hanzhong Campaign (217–219).