Abbie Steele


Abbie Steele is an actress based in London, known for her supporting role as Amy in Greenway Entertainment's 'Essex Boys: Law of Survival, 2015. Leaving her farming roots behind in Cumbria, Abbie has been developing a career both on stage and on screen. In 2018 she went on to star as Charlotte in Guildhall Pictures' upcoming thriller 'The Passenger'.


The Passenger
Charlotte Edmunds
A naive young husband must face down his obsessive and psychotic friend when their plan to elicit a confession from his adulterous wife ends in murder.
Based on recent news events and set in the year 2037, SHADOWS is a cautionary tale, a modern day Orwellian style vision of the future. The short sci-fi film depicts a UK government using all digital technology for surveillance and control over the general population, becoming a totalitarian state. We join our lead characters, Lee and Jess on the brink of a revolution.
Essex Boys: Law of Survival
Essex ha sido el eje central para muchas actividades criminales. Durante generaciones, Essex Boys han gobernado las calles de Essex y el este de Londres en sus imperios del hampa. Muchas personas pensaron que esto terminó en Range Rover en 1995. Se equivocaron…
This Is Zoe
Zoe's reserved nature speaks volumes when her familiar, unwanted inner critic comes out to play.