Romper, rechazar, destruir, evitar. Al ritmo entrecortado de las fotografías rotas que una nieta ha rescatado de las manos de su abuelo. La última pieza reconstruye el recuerdo de un hombre mayor que ha decidido dejar atrás sus impulsos de vida para entregarse al sueño y a la calma. Un ensayo sobre el acto de ensamblar nuestras memorias, la ilusión de recordar y la libertad de olvidar.
Character Designer
The gloomy dungeon of the Santo Oficio gaol in Logroño, northern Spain, is packed with prisoners accused of witchcraft. The sound of mystical chanting drifts out through the bars. It is a desperate cry for help that travels through valleys and mountains until it reaches the hamlet of Zugarramurdi. A young boy wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night...
The gloomy dungeon of the Santo Oficio gaol in Logroño, northern Spain, is packed with prisoners accused of witchcraft. The sound of mystical chanting drifts out through the bars. It is a desperate cry for help that travels through valleys and mountains until it reaches the hamlet of Zugarramurdi. A young boy wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night...