Father Clark
Love, Happiness, Forgiveness, Acceptance: Autism Awareness. Beyond our differences, our shared humanity. Welcome to Moses's World. A dramatic short film about Moses, an 12-year-old boy who has autism, and his widowed father, Father Clark. Reverend Clark, better known as Father Clark, is the preacher of a small church in rural Louisiana. The turning point arises when Father Clark makes the decision to send off his son to live with his aunt in Washington, in order to save his son from rumors, prejudice, and discrimination. Moses, however, overhears the conversation and becomes concerned: he is willing to do anything to prevent that from happening. The boy, pushed by the strong yet incommunicable need to feel loved and to be with his father and questioning his own existence, embarks on a quest to find Jolene, his (late) mother.
Band Member (as the Lost Wandering Blues Band)
Zee está caminando por las calles de Manhattan, hablando consigo misma y con el esposo que la acaba de dejar. En un café de la acera ella se encuentra con Eli. Una relación muy poco probable, divertida y conmovedora se desarrolla entre dos almas perdidas en la gran ciudad, que es el tercer personaje principal de esta película.