Guido Luzzatto


Carmen di Trastevere
Line Producer
Carmen, wife of a certain Vincenzo detained for theft, chooses Antonio as a friend. When the husband is released from prison, he accepts the relationship in progress and continues to use the woman in his shady businesses.
The Nun of Monza
Production Manager
Virginia de Leyva, daughter of a Spanish Lord, becomes a nun in Monza, in 1600s. She becomes very strict with herself and the students until she's unable to resist a romance with the nobleman Gian Paolo Osio which will lead both to danger.
Cartago en llamas
Line Producer
Narra la historia de la destrucción de Cartago. El gigantesco choque entre dos civilizaciones, Roma y Cartago, que luchan por el dominio del Mediterráneo (Guerras Púnicas), se centra en una dramática historia de amor cuyos protagonistas son dos jóvenes pertenecientes a bandos opuestos.