Bafta-winning drama. Following difficulties with her parents, teenager Gemma Brogan leaves home. She falls under the spell of a young woman who introduce her to the world of alternative youth culture and drugs. Initially her new life seems glamorous and exciting but she soon discovers its dark side as she slides uncontrollably into heroin addiction.
Yaasin, semialcoholizado policía del Tánger, pasa el tiempo en el selecto prostíbulo de Charhadi. A la ciudad, llegan, al mismo tiempo, el millonario Eric Burns y la alemana Eva Miller que, con su hija pequeña Gudrun, se mantiene a base de estafas y robos. También desembarca en Tánger el elegante mafioso Rustum Wadi, buscando un talismán ahora en manos de Andrews, coleccionista británico homosexual. La misión de Yaasin es proteger a Burns pero cuando Andrews aparece asesinado, el caso toma una dirección insospechada.
Gwyn can feel danger coming in the wind. Somehow he knows the warnings have to do with the broken toy horse that holds the evil spirit of a prince who lived long ago. When Gwyn discovers that the prince's dark soul has escaped from the horse and is seeking revenge Gwyn, Emlyn, and Nia have to figure out how to save the mysterious soldier who claims to be Nia's distant cousin. With the help of the Snow Spider, can they recapture the prince's soul without hurting the Chestnut soldier?