Robert A. Dietrich


Menschen vom Varieté
Production Design
In a cosmopolitan city vaudeville theatre, meeting place of the most successful artistes, the art shooter gets in suspicion to have committed a murderous poster on his jealous partner. - Not particularly successful mixture of vaudeville theatre numbers, artiste's destiny and crime film tension, on an average produced and played. A production rotated in Budapest with the popular dancer La Jana.
The Stars of Variety Show
Production Design
Theatre Colosseum prepares for the closing performance of the month. The magician Keats wants to avoid having to perform with Jack Carey, the well-known marksman, as the latter has seduced his wife, the beautiful dancer, Silvia Castellani. It is only thanks to the persuasions of Alice McLean, the manager of the acrobat sisters, that he finally decides to do his show. Carey starts wooing the second of the McLean-sisters, Gloria.
Die Nacht der Entscheidung
Art Direction
Die göttliche Jette
Art Direction
Cheeky Jette is a typical Berlin girl. Together with her mother, she performs couplets in a Berlin suburb theatre every night. Then, a young Austrian baron, who is worshipping Jette, enables her to audition for Königstädtisches Theater. Although she at first fails with an aria from an opera, Jette wins over the hearts of the board members with her fresh style when she performs a cheeky couplet that was written by Barsch, the stage manager of the suburb theater.
Die Reiter von Deutsch-Ostafrika
Art Direction
German colonial soldiers fight against the British during World War I.
The Burning Secret
Art Direction
One autumn, Edgar, a 12 year old boy, spends a holiday with his mother at a plush hotel in Switzerland. His father, a busy lawyer, remains at the family home in Vienna. When he sees a stylish motorcar pull up at the hotel, Edgar wastes no time befriending its owner, an amiable dandy. The latter pays more attention to the boy’s mother than to the boy himself, and decides to use Edgar to wheedle his way into her affections. When Edgar realises he has been used, he is far from happy...
The Theft of the Mona Lisa
Production Design
This German crime drama was based on a true story. Willy Forst stars as a poverty-stricken Italian glazier who falls in love with French hotel maid Rosa Valletti. Struck by the girl's resemblance to Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Forst manages to steal the painting from the Louvre in hopes of impressing his sweetheart. But when the girl proves to be a fickle sort, the crestfallen hero confesses his crime and is carted off to jail. Unwilling to admit that he'd been led astray by a woman, Forst claims that he stole the Mona Lisa to restore it to his native Italy, and as a result is hailed as a national hero! Raub der Mona Lisa was distributed in the U.S. by RKO Radio, under the title The Theft of the Mona Lisa.
The Crimson Circle
Art Direction
Police battle against a gang of blackmailers known as The Crimson Circle.
The Wife's Crusade
Art Direction
Directed by Martin Berger.
Das Geheimnis von St. Pauli
Set Designer
Production Design
New Year's Eve
Art Direction
A man must choose between his mother and his wife as the rivalry ratchets up throughout New Year's Eve. Like Pick's previous films, New Year's Eve does not use intertitles.
Zum Paradies der Damen
Art Direction
Der schwarze Montag
The Island of the Lost
Art Direction
The Island of the Lost (German: Die Insel der Verschollenen) is a 1921 German silent science fiction film . It is a loose unauthorized adaptation of the 1896 novel The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells. Author Wells was allegedly unaware that this unauthorized version of his novel existed. Thought at one time to have been lost, a print has turned up at the Bundesarchiv in Berlin, Germany. The film was only screened in the US for the first time at a "Monster Bash" convention in 2014. Comments from the attendees included the fact that the film was somewhat illogical, and had more emphasis on comedy and romance than horror, but that it offered "memorable glimpses of human-animal hybrids".
Grausige Nächte
Art Direction
The young Evelyne lives with a man, her fiancee Frank, with whom she has a child. But her fiancee is a rundown drunk constantly hanging over the bottle. Evelyne wants to leave Frank.
Christian Wahnschaffe II: Escape from the Golden Dungeon
Art Direction
Escape from the Golden Dungeon is the second part of the two-part silent movie Christian Wahnschaffe.
Hearts Are Trumps
Art Direction
Der weisse Pfau
Art Direction
Art Direction
A middle-class man falls in love with a woman from a more ordinary background, and they end up working in a variety act where they sink into alcoholism. He then kills another man whom he mistakenly believes is a rival.
The Secret of the American Docks
Art Direction
James Mistoll, one of the owners of a factory, and working on a process to turn copper ore into radium, falls from a window on the fourth floor and dies; This was no accident, but a murder. A detective sends his assistant, Barnes, to investigate and soon the number of suspects from within the company multiplies.
The End of the Homunculus
Set Designer
A group of scientists, led by a Professor Ortmann, produce a living human child using scientific processes - a "homunculus." This creature is human in every way, except that he cannot experience love.
The Destruction of Mankind
Set Designer
For a long time the homunculus had to hide from his pursuers. But now he mingles with humanity again and sows discord, strife and murder. One day, when he meets an orphaned girl, he takes her to the shepherd Rudolf's parents. His goal is to pair the two together in order to breed a new human race from them. To this end, he kidnaps her to a deserted island. But the plan fails because Rudolf tries to kill the homunculus after learning his true identity. In revenge, the homunculus destroys the entire island, including the young couple. His hitherto loyal companion Edgar Rodin is so horrified by this deed that he renounces the homunculus and threatens him with death.
The Revenge of the Homunculus
Set Designer
Richard Ortmann the artificial man (Homunculus) has become the head of the corporation that represents the capital and power of the country, but he has stopped believing in human love. All the more clear is his goal now: the annihilation of mankind.
The Love Tragedy of the Homunculus
Set Designer
The homunculus and his companion Edgar Rodin make an invention that would allow the hateful homunculus to destroy the world. But first he wants to find out about love. When he observes how young Anna is rejected by her parents, he takes care of her and asks her parents for forgiveness - without success. He brings her to her seducer, who also rejects the girl. The homunculus then takes revenge by ruining the man financially and throwing Anna at his feet. But she still loves the villain and asks Homunculus for mercy. The homunculus cannot understand this feeling of love - he wants to try it out on himself. He puts a young woman who loves him to the hardest test, but she will do anything for him, sacrificing her fiancé and her parents. Only when he reveals his artificial nature to her, she leaves him. This experience confirms the homunculus in his intention to destroy mankind.
The Mysterious Book
Set Designer
The Artificial Man
Set Designer
Part of the artificial-creature series encompassing Der Golem (1914 and 1920), Alraune (1918, 1928, 1930) and Metropolis (1926), 'Homunculus' was the most popular serial in Germany during World War I even influencing the dress of fashionable Berlin. Foenss, a Danish star, is the perfect creature manufactured in a laboratory by Kuehne. Having discovered his origins, that he has no 'soul' and is incapable of love, he revenges himself on mankind, instigating revolutions and becoming a monstrous but beautiful tyrant, relentlessly pursued by his creator-father who seeks to rectify his mistake.
Art Direction
The young sculptor Cramer is inspired by the idea of ​​modeling a statue of Aphrodite that reflects the beauty and perfection of the female body. He found his ideal model in the happily married Frau von Versen. After initial hesitation, the lady, flattered by the offer, agrees to be a model. But suddenly she is overcome by moral concerns, because as the wife of a respected legation councilor, this could cause social misunderstandings.
El Golem
En esta versión de la leyenda, el golem, una estatua de arcilla que cobró vida por el rabino Loew en la Praga del siglo XVI para salvar a los judíos de la brutal persecución de los gobernantes de la ciudad, se encuentra entre los escombros de una antigua sinagoga en el siglo XX. siglo. Traído a la vida por un anticuario, el golem se utiliza como sirviente de baja categoría. Finalmente, se enamora de la esposa del traficante y se desboca cuando su amor por ella no resulta correspondido.
El estudiante de Praga
Art Direction
Praga, Bohemia, 1820. Balduin, un estudiante sin dinero, se enamora de la condesa Margit, una mujer noble y rica a la que ha salvado de morir ahogada.