Alf Blütecher

Nacimiento : 1880-02-07, Lardal Municipality, Norway

Muerte : 1959-03-05


The Monk from Santarem
Zaida, die Tragödie eines Modells
Der Favorit der Königin
German film by Franz Seitz.
Beyond the Barricade
Poul Berg
Family man Poul Berg is tempted by a questionable investement offer and indebts himself to a point where suicide seems like the only way out. His widow struggles to maintain even a simple standard of living for herself and their three children, who are fatally marked by their fathers deed. (
The Abyss of Souls
Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg
Dr. Harry Barnay
Resumen: La película cuenta la historia del ficticio doctor Barnay y relata su experiencia en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Trabaja como médico en un hospital militar y siempre se ha comprometido a lograr el fin de la guerra. Cuando su esposa muere en un ataque aéreo, pasa todo su tiempo trabajando en un invento contra la guerra para distraerse, y en el proceso descuida a su nueva esposa y su hijo. (Eddie Constanti) Comentario Película cargada de buenas intenciones (esa fábula sobre el hombre que quiere evitar las guerras tiene su enjundia, viniendo precisamente de un alemán), la dirigió Fritz Benhardt, del que no nos ha llegado más que esta muestra de su potencial como realizador. Una producción correcta y unos intérpretes ajustados, con toques melodramáticos. La escena final, con el inventor lanzando su discurso pacifista con la mirada puesta en el Altísimo (techo) es de lo más reconfortante. (Eddie Constanti)
Towards the Light
Elias Renato, fattigpræst
Countess Ysabel is a young and rich woman with many suitors. An elegant and adventurous baron has managed to win her heart, but she anyway continues to play with other men’s feelings. Nemesis hits her when a young man with a broken heart kills himself, and the baron at the same time reveals a horrible secret. Ysabe'ls world seems to fall apart.
The Game of Love and Death
Viaje a Marte
Dr. Krafft
La película, dirigida por Holger-Madsen, desarrolla los planes de un doctor, cuyo ídolo es Cristobal Colón (aunque le atribuye erróneamente la intención de dar la vuelta al mundo), para viajar a Marte. Para ello, en sólo dos años logra construir una nave, el Excelsior, y logra captar como voluntarios a un puñado de expedicionarios, uno de ellos comprometido con una joven llamada Corona.
Retten sejrer
Hvor Sorgerne glemmes
Prince Robert
The life and suffering of a nun - Sister Cecilia.
Den mystiske selskabsdame
The notorious criminal Barra is approached by Agent Frank for a profitable collaboration. The brand new designs of a revolutionary internal combustion engine is the target. Engineer von Rosen at the Osman Corporation is the trusted envoy for the transfer of the drawings/designs. Frank is determined to intercept and obtain the valuable goods for his client. A competitor in the mechanical industry. Barra is keen to get started. And he intend to use his wife as a magnet, to get the attention of Osman director von Spangen.
The Saving Film
Franz Schmidt - Film Director
A Holger-Madsen directed film short about actors, romance and murder.
El fin del mundo
Reymers, coxswain
Un científico predice que lo peor está por venir: un inmenso cometa puede impactar con el planeta tierra. Con el objeto de no crear pánico, los astrónomos, reunidos con un pequeño número de millonarios, ocultan la noticia al pueblo y a la prensa. Pero después del paso del cometa, un número muy elevado de desastres naturales y toda clase de disturbios pondrán en peligro a la raza humana. (Eddie Constanti)
The Man with the Missing Finger
Sylvester Jackson - Chief of Police
The first of the Danish crime films about a master criminal with 9 fingers.
Through the Enemy's Lines
Løjtnant Ove Brenner
During ceasefire, young lieutenant Brenner gets permission to visit his old father. On his way he rescues an enemy officer from a mean ambush – a favour that will later save his life. (
Ernst von Kaufmann
The opium smoker Hugo is the youngest son of Baron von Kaufmann, who also is a victim of the drug habit. Hugo is insanely jealous of his older brother Ernest. When Ernst's engagement with beautiful Henny is announced at a costume ball Hugo he gets furious. Observed by his valet he is calmed down. Hugo's valet see's his opportunity to strengthen his position. The film was banned in Denmark. Instead it opened in Finland.
Lay Down Your Arms!
Arno von Dotzky, Marthas første mand
Martha, a war widow, finds a new zest for life when she meets the noble Captain von Tilling. They marry, but before long he, too, is called to war. In his absence, Martha falls into a depression and is hospitalised. Sick with longing and learning that her banking firm has gone belly-up, she leaves the hospital and takes a train to the battlefield to find her husband. (
A Deal with the Devil
Den mystiske Fremmede - Mefisto
A Danish film about Olaf Fønss selling his soul to the devil.
Den hvide Dame