Hanna Podraza


Costume Designer
Una promesa del rap con un pasado delictivo decide vender droga para saldar su deuda con el estudio de grabación. Pero su arriesgado plan podría costarle muy caro.
Costume Design
Eryk is a vlogger documenting his preparations for his bodybuilding debut. He is helped by the woman of his life: his overprotective mother, Teresa. Before the competition, Eryk meets Mona. As they go out on a date, the online world clashes with reality. But it is still less painful than Eryk's debut. A humorous coming-of-age tale about trying to "cut the cord" in your thirties. A story built through contrasts of the young and the old, the real and the virtual, document and fiction.
Horario Estelar
Costume Design
Nochevieja, 1999. Sebastián es un joven de 20 años que, armado con una pistola, secuestra un estudio de TV y toma dos rehenes: un famoso presentador y un guardia de seguridad. ¿Su plan? Nadie, incluido el propio Sebastián, parece saberlo. La demanda de que se transmita su mensaje, sea cual sea, le es denegada una y otra vez por parte de las fuerzas policías y del jefe de la cadena. A medida que se hace de noche, Sebastián y los rehenes entablan una extraña relación mientras los que están en el escalafón más alto de la pirámide hacen todo lo posible por restablecer el orden.
Killing Auntie
Jurek is 23 years old and he is a history student. He lives with his loving auntie, who raises him and supports him. Feeling that she is a cause and a symbol of his existential boredom, monotony and malaise, he reaches for the hammer…
Killing Auntie
Jurek is 23 years old and he is a history student. He lives with his loving auntie, who raises him and supports him. Feeling that she is a cause and a symbol of his existential boredom, monotony and malaise, he reaches for the hammer…